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Freeport's Hard Look at Itself


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Freeport-Mcmoran Copper & Gold Inc. has long been tagged as a human-rights pariah for its close relationship with the repressive Indonesian military. In the mid-1990s, for example, it was linked to horrific acts allegedly committed by the Suharto dictatorship against rebels unhappy about expansion of the company's gold and copper mines on the Indonesian island of Papua. Allegations against the troops included all manner of atrocities, including torturing and murdering protesters, as part of what some critics called a genocidal war against separatists in what was then known as Irian Jaya. Activists accused Freeport of complicity, charging that the New Orleans company's security personnel routinely provided transportation for the Indonesian military.
机译:Freeport-Mcmoran Copper&Gold Inc.长期以来一直被标签为人权贱民,因为它与压制性的印尼军方有着密切的关系。例如,在1990年代中期,这与据称苏哈托独裁政权针对叛乱分子的恐怖行为有关,这些叛乱分子对对该公司在印尼巴布亚岛上的金矿和铜矿的扩张感到不满。对部队的指控包括各种暴行,包括酷刑和谋杀示威者,这是一些批评家称之为对分离主义者的种族灭绝战争的一部分,该战争当时被称为伊里安贾亚。激进分子指责自由港共谋,指控新奥尔良公司的安全人员例行为印尼军方提供运输工具。



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