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That's Not Junk. That's Early Tech


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Gordon bell can hardly believe what he sees when he scrolls through the online catalog for a Feb. 23 Christie's auction of computer memorabilia in New York. "Oh my God, the prices!" exclaims the Microsoft senior researcher, a big-time collector of computer-related books, documents, and other artifacts, most of which he has donated to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif. One thing that catches his eye in the 355-item "Origins of Cyberspace" catalog is a first edition of a 1617 treatise by John Napier, the Scottish mathematician whose invention of logarithms was a key advance in creating the early calculators that evolved into today's computers. The auction house figures it will go for $25,000 to $35,000. "I paid $6,000 in 1982" for a similar copy, he recalls. Bell isn't the only connoisseur in a tizzy over the rising cachet and prices of computer memorabilia. Whether 17th-century mathematics books, mid-1940s documents connected with pioneering executives, or the first 1970s-era microcomputers, prices have soared in recent years.
机译:戈登·贝尔(Gordon bell)几乎不敢相信自己浏览2月23日佳士得在纽约举行的计算机纪念品拍卖中的在线目录时所看到的内容。 “哦,天哪,价格!”微软的资深研究员大声疾呼,他是计算机相关书籍,文档和其他人工制品的大型收集者,其中大部分是他捐赠给了加利福尼亚山景城的计算机历史博物馆的。在355-项目“网络空间的起源”是苏格兰数学家约翰·纳皮尔(John Napier)于1617年撰写的论文的第一版,他的对数发明是创建早期计算器的关键进展,该计算器逐渐发展成为当今的计算机。拍卖行估计其价格会在25,000至35,000美元之间。他回忆道,“我在1982年花了6,000美元”购买了类似的副本。贝尔并不是唯一因对计算机纪念品的声誉和价格上涨而感到不快的鉴赏家。无论是17世纪的数学书籍,1940年代中期与先驱企业高管有关的文件,还是1970年代第一台微型计算机,近年来价格都在飞涨。



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