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Microsoft May Be A TV Star Yet


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After a decade of stumbles,the giant is winning over cable and telecom players.History Will Remem-Ber Microsoft Corp.as one of the greatest business success stories.But the company has suffered its share of ignominious failures, too.There has been no business where Microsoft has spent so much for so long and achieved so little as its foray into television technology.Until now.After more than a decade of trying to crack the TV software business,Microsoft's persistence is starting to pay off.The first sign came last November,when cable-TV industry leader Comcast Corp.rolled out set-top boxes running Microsoft's TV software to its Seattle customers.Since then,Microsoft has landed deals with two Bells-BellSouth and SBC Communications-as they charge into competition with cable operators.
机译:经过十年的失败之后,这家巨头已经赢得了有线电视和电信运营商的青睐。历史悠久的Will Remem-Ber微软公司是最大的商业成功案例之一,但该公司也遭受了可观的失败。微软花了这么长时间来从事这项业务,而对电视技术的努力却收效甚微。直到现在。经过十多年试图破解电视软件业务的努力,微软的毅力开始得到回报。去年11月,有线电视行业的领导者康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)向西雅图客户推出了运行Microsoft电视软件的机顶盒。从那时起,微软与两家Bells-BellSouth和SBC Communications达成了交易,两家公司开始与有线电视竞争操作员。



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