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The Artful Investor


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John morrissey hunts young artists the way some money managers dig for undiscovered stocks. In the evenings the West Palm Beach (Fla.) attorney scours magazines such as Artforum and Web sites such as Artnet He tours galleries in New York and Miami, chatting up dealers and sometimes the artists themselves. Buying works early can lead to spectacular returns. In 1998 he bought a piece by abstract painter Cecily Brown for $ 11,000 at her second show, at New York's Deitch Projects, a gallery. Lastyear, he says, a similarly sized piece from the same show sold at auction for $968,000." My artists have outperformed any other investment I've made," he says. Art is hot.
机译:约翰·莫里西(John morrissey)像一些理财师为未发现的股票挖矿一样猎捕年轻艺术家。晚上,西棕榈滩(佛罗里达州)的律师搜寻诸如Artforum之类的杂志和诸如Artnet He之类的网站,游览纽约和迈阿密的画廊,与经销商,有时甚至与艺术家本人聊天。尽早购买作品可以带来可观的回报。 1998年,他在纽约Deitch Projects画廊的第二场展览中以11,000美元的价格购买了抽象画家Cecily Brown的作品。他说,去年,同一场展览的类似尺寸的作品在拍卖会上以968,000美元的价格售出。“我的艺术家的表现超过了我所做的任何其他投资,”他说。艺术很热。



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