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Measuring performance during crises and beyond: The Performance Promoter Score


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Many organizations are curtailing or even abandoning performance management because of difficulties measuring performance and disruptions in performance-based pay due to the COVID-19 crisis. Contrary to this growing and troubling trend, we argue that it is especially important during the crisis to not only continue but also strengthen performance management to communicate a firm's strategic direction, collect valuable business data, provide critical feedback to individuals and workgroups, protect organizations from legal risks, and retain top talent. To do so, we offer a solution to overcome the challenges associated with measuring performance during a crisis. Specifically, we extend and expand upon the well-established Net Promoter Score measure in marketing and introduce the Performance Promoter Score (PPS) to measure performance. We offer evidence-based recommendations for collecting PPS information for individuals, workgroups, and other collectives, computing a Net Performance Promoter Score (NPPS); using multiple sources of performance data, and using PPS for administrative and developmental purposes as well as to provide more frequent performance check-ins. PPS is a convenient, practical, relevant, and useful performance measure during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is also an innovation that will be useful long after the pandemic is over. (C) 2020 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:由于Covid-19危机,许多组织因难以测量性能和基于性能的工资中的困难和中断而受到限制甚至放弃绩效管理。与这种不断增长和令人不安的趋势相反,我们认为在危机中尤其重要,不仅继续且加强绩效管理,以传达公司的战略方向,收集有价值的业务数据,为个人和工作组提供关键反馈,保护组织法律风险,并留住顶级人才。为此,我们提供解决方案来克服危机期间与衡量表现相关的挑战。具体而言,我们在营销中熟悉良好的净推动者评分措施时扩展和扩展,并介绍了衡量性能的性能推动者评分(PPS)。我们提供基于证据的建议,用于收集个人,工作组和其他集体的PPS信息,计算净性能启动子评分(NPPS);使用多种性能数据来源,并使用PPS进行管理和发育目的,并提供更频繁的性能检查。 PPS是一种方便,实用,相关,有用的性能和有用的性能措施,如Covid-19大流行,但它也是一个在流行结束后很久的创新。 (c)印第安纳大学凯利商学院。由elsevier Inc.出版的所有权利保留。



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