首页> 外文期刊>World Journal of Gastroenterology >Acute diarrhea during army field exercise in southern China

Acute diarrhea during army field exercise in southern China


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AIM: During emergency period, infectious diseases can be a major threat to military forces. During field training in southern China, diarrhea is the main cause of nonbattle injury. To evaluate the causes of and risk factors for diarrhea in emergency period, we collected clinical and epidemiological data from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) during field training in southern China. METHODS: From September 25 to October 2 1997, 2636 military personnel were investigated. Fecal sample cultures for lapactic pathogens were obtained from 103 military personnel with diarrhea. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to 103 cases and 206 controls to evaluate the association between illness and potential risk factors. At the same time, another questionnaire of 1:4 case-case control was administered to 22 severe cases (each severe case paired 4 mild cases). RESULTS: The training troop's diarrhea incidence rate was significantly higher than that of garrison. The diarrhea incidence rate of officers was significantly lower than that of soldiers. A lapactic pathogen was identified in 63.1% (65/103) of the troops with diarrhea. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (35.0%) and plesiomona shigelloides (16.5%) were the most common bacterial pathogens. All bacterial isolates were sensitive to norfloxacin and ceftazidine. However, almost all of them were resistant to sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, oxytetracycline, doxycycline, furazolidone, ampicillin and cloromycetin to a different degree. Risk factors associated with diarrhea includediidrinking raw water, eating outside, contacting diarrhea patients, lacking sanitation, depression, lacking sleep, which were established by multiple-factor logistic regression analysis. In addition, the unit incidence rate was associated with the density of flies and the average daily boiled water available by regression and discriminate analysis. CONCLUSION: A series of risk factors are associated with the incidence rate of diarrhea. Our results may provide a useful basis for prevention and cure of diarrhea in emergency period of PLA.
机译:目的:在紧急时期,传染病可能是对军队的主要威胁。在中国南方的野外训练期间,腹泻是非战斗伤害的主要原因。为了评估紧急时期腹泻的原因和危险因素,我们在中国南方的野外训练期间从人民解放军(PLA)收集了临床和流行病学数据。方法:1997年9月25日至10月2日,对2636名军事人员进行了调查。从103名腹泻军人那里获得了粪便病原菌的粪便样本培养物。此外,还对103例病例和206例对照者进行了问卷调查,以评估疾病与潜在危险因素之间的关联。同时,又对22例重症病例进行了1:4病例对照的问卷调查(每例重症病例与4例轻症病例配对)。结果:训练部队的腹泻发生率明显高于驻军部队。军官的腹泻发生率明显低于军人。在腹泻部队中有63.1%(65/103)的人群中发现了逃逸病原体。产肠毒素的大肠杆菌(35.0%)和plesiomona shigelloides(16.5%)是最常见的细菌病原体。所有细菌分离株均对诺氟沙星和头孢他啶敏感。然而,它们几乎都对磺胺甲恶唑,甲氧苄啶-磺胺甲恶唑,土霉素,强力霉素,呋​​喃唑酮,氨苄青霉素和氯霉素具有抗药性。与腹泻有关的危险因素包括多饮水Logistic回归分析,喝水,进屋外进食,腹泻患者接触,缺乏卫生设施,沮丧,缺乏睡眠。此外,单位发生率与果蝇的密度和通过回归和判别分析可获得的每日平均白开水有关。结论:腹泻的发病率与一系列危险因素有关。我们的研究结果可能为解放军紧急时期的腹泻防治提供有益的依据。



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