首页> 外文期刊>World Journal of Gastroenterology >Elastic band ligation of hemorrhoids: Flexible gastroscope or rigid proctoscope?

Elastic band ligation of hemorrhoids: Flexible gastroscope or rigid proctoscope?


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AIM: To compare rigid proctoscope and flexible endoscope for elastic band ligation of internal hemorrhoids. METHODS: Patients between 18 and 80 years old, with chronic complaints (blood loss, pain, itching or prolapse) of internal hemorrhoids of grade Ⅰ-Ⅲ, were randomized to elastic band ligation by rigid proctoscope or flexible endoscope (preloaded with 7 bands). Patients were retreated every 6 wk until the cessation of complaints. Evaluation by three-dimensional anal endosonography was performed. RESULTS: Forty-one patients were included (median age 52.0, range 27-79 years, 20 men). Nineteen patients were treated with a rigid proctoscope and twenty two with a flexible endoscope. Twenty-nine patients had grade Ⅰ hemorrhoids, 9 patients had grade Ⅱ hemorrhoids and 3 patients had grade Ⅲ hemorrhoids. All patients needed a minimum of 1 treatment and a maximum of 3 treatments. A median of 4.0 bands was used in the rigid proctoscope group and a median of 6.0 bands was used in the flexible endoscope group (P < 0.05). Pain after ligation tended to be more frequent in patients treated with the flexible endoscope (first treatment: 3 vs 10 patients, P < 0.05). Three-dimensional endosonography showed no sphincter defects or alterations in submucosal thickness. CONCLUSION: Both techniques are easy to perform, well tolerated and have a good and fast effect. It is easier to perform more ligations with the flexible endoscope. Additional advantages of the flexible scope are the maneuverability and photographic documentation. However, treatment with the flexible endoscope might be more painful and is more expensive.
机译:目的:比较硬性直肠镜和柔性内窥镜对内痔的弹性带结扎术。方法:将年龄在18至80岁之间,慢性抱怨(失血,疼痛,瘙痒或脱垂)为1-3级的内部痔疮的患者,通过刚性直肠镜或柔性内窥镜(预装7条带)随机分为松紧带结扎术。每6周对患者进行一次治疗,直至停止治疗。通过三维肛门内镜检查进行评估。结果:共纳入41例患者(中位年龄52.0岁,范围27-79岁,男性20例)。硬性直肠镜治疗19例,柔性内窥镜治疗22例。其中,Ⅰ类痔29例,Ⅱ类痔9例,Ⅲ类痔3例。所有患者最少需要1种治疗,最多3种治疗。硬性直肠镜组中位数为4.0频段,柔性内窥镜组中位数为6.0频段(P <0.05)。在使用柔性内窥镜治疗的患者中,结扎后的疼痛倾向于更频繁(第一次治疗:3比10),P <0.05。三维超声检查未见括约肌缺损或粘膜下层厚度改变。结论:这两种技术均易于操作,耐受性好,效果好,效果快。使用柔性内窥镜更容易进行更多的结扎。灵活范围的其他优点是可操作性和摄影文件。然而,使用柔性内窥镜的治疗可能会更痛苦并且更昂贵。



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