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Coking coal on an upswing


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Approximately 70 per cent of the world's steel production is dependant on metallurgical (met) coal, or coking coal. Its principal application is in the making of blast furnace coke through carbonisation. As its output and pricing structure mirrors that of steel demand, it has traditionally been viewed as a "poor cousin" to thermal coal, whose demand is easier to forecast. However, Australia's AME reported recently that global crude steel production this year is predicted to exceed lbt for the first time, which would hike internationally-traded met coal demand to record levels. After lean times, the met coal industry is facing a return to reasonable profitability on the back of higher prices and booming steel profits. The result, points out AME, is that US suppliers are once again entering the Pacific market, while new met coal export capacity, predominantly generated from new mines and brownfield expansions in Australia and Canada, is expected to "barely keep in step with incremental demand in 2005 and 2006."
机译:世界钢铁产量的大约70%依赖于冶金(焦煤)或炼焦煤。它的主要应用是通过碳化制造高炉焦炭。由于其产量和价格结构与钢铁需求相仿,因此传统上将其视为动力煤的“表亲”,动力煤的需求更容易预测。但是,澳大利亚的AME最近报道说,预计今年全球粗钢产量将首次超过lbt,这将使国际贸易满足的煤炭需求达到创纪录的水平。经历了低迷时期之后,由于价格上涨和钢铁利润迅猛增长,陷入困境的煤炭行业正面临着合理的盈利能力恢复。 AME指出,结果是美国供应商再次进入太平洋市场,而新满足的煤炭出口能力(主要来自澳大利亚和加拿大的新矿山和棕地扩建产生)预计将“几乎与需求增长保持同步”。在2005年和2006年。”



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