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Triple bottom line sustainability assessment of window-to-wall ratio in US office buildings


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The window-to-wall ratio (WWR), or the proportion of glazing in a building's envelope, influences many design and performance aspects of a building across its life cycle, including aesthetics, material use, daylighting, HVAC size and operating energy consumption, view, and human satisfaction. Prior work argued for reducing WWR to reduce operating energy consumption. The objective of this study is to comprehensively assess the environmental, economic, and social effects of various WWR levels using a triple-bottom line approach. A building information model of the US DOE's large office (12 story) prototype building was developed using Autodesk Revit (R). The Tally (R) Revit application and DOE's EnergyPlus (TM) were used to perform life cycle assessment (LCA) and assess implications on HVAC equipment sizing, embodied energy of materials, and distribution of operational energy. Designs altering WWR from a baseline of 40% were compared in three different climate zones of the United States. Results showed that increasing the WWR in large office buildings leads to increases in environmental impacts, occupant dissatisfaction, and the life cycle cost for the three different climate zones studied. Most reductions in energy use and environmental impacts were approximately 1% from the baseline scenario for the office building under study. The results imply that while reductions in the WWR do result in improvements across the suite of metrics assessed, other design strategies need to be employed either in conjunction with, or separate from, in order to meet target energy consumption and environmental impact reduction goals within this building program, such as Architecture 2030 Challenges.
机译:窗口到墙壁比(WWR)或建筑物信封中的玻璃比例,影响其生命周期的建筑物的许多设计和性能方面,包括美学,材料使用,日光,HVAC尺寸和操作能耗,观看,人力满意度。事先工作争辩说减少WWR以减少运营能耗。本研究的目的是使用三底线方法全面评估各种WWR水平的环境,经济和社会影响。使用Autodesk Revit(R)开发了美国Doe大型办公室(12个故事)原型建筑的建筑信息模型。 Taly(R)Revit应用程序和DOE的EnergyPlus(TM)用于执行生命周期评估(LCA),并评估对HVAC设备尺寸的影响,体现的材料能量,以及运营能源的分布。在美国的三种不同气候区比较了40%的基线改变WWR的设计。结果表明,增加大型办公大楼的WWR导致环境影响,占用人不满,三种不同气候区的生命周期成本增加。能源使用和环境影响的大多数减少约占研究所下的办公楼的基线情景。结果意味着,虽然WWR的减少确实导致在评估的指标套件上导致改进,但需要与之结合使用或分开,以满足目标能源消耗和环境影响目标的其他设计策略建筑计划,如架构2030挑战。



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