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Rules versus Discretion: A Reconsideration




In this paper, I evaluate the relative merits of rules versus discretion in making monetary policy, from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. Empirically, I argue that in the 2009-10 period, the Federal Open Market Committee aimed for a slow recovery, in large part because its judgments about appropriate monetary policy were unduly influenced by the Taylor rule (which was seen as a good approximation of its pre-2007 reaction function). Theoretically, I use the delegation framework of Bengt Holmstrom (1984) to show that, as long as the central bank's inflation bias is sufficiently small, it is socially desirable to give the central bank discretion so that it can respond effectively to inflation shocks that cannot be encoded into predetermined rules.
机译:在本文中,我从经验和理论角度评估了制定货币政策时规则与自由裁量权的相对优缺点。根据经验,我认为在2009-10年度,联邦公开市场委员会的目标是缓慢复苏,这在很大程度上是因为其对适当货币政策的判断受到泰勒规则的不当影响(这被视为泰勒规则的一个很好的近似值)。 2007年之前的反应功能)。从理论上讲,我使用Bengt Holmstrom(1984)的委托框架表明,只要中央银行的通货膨胀偏差足够小,社会上就应该赋予中央银行酌处权,以便它可以有效地应对无法应对的通货膨胀冲击。被编码为预定规则。



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