首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Quality improvement report Simple intervention to improve detection of child abuse in emergency departments

Quality improvement report Simple intervention to improve detection of child abuse in emergency departments


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Problem Child abuse is easily overlooked in a busy emergency department. Design Two stage audit of 1000 children before and after introduction of reminder flowchart. Background and setting An emergency department in a suburban teaching hospital seeing about 4000 injured preschool children a year. Key measures for improvement Number of records in which intentional injury was adequately documented and considered and the number of children referred for further assessment before and after introduction of reminder flowchart into emergency department notes. Strategies for change Nurses were asked to insert a reminder flowchart for assessing intentional injury into the notes of all children aged 0-5 years attending the department with any injury and to record the results of checking the child protection register. Effect of change Documentation of all eight indicators that intentional injury had been considered had increased in the second audit. Records of compatibility of history with injury and consistency of history increased from less than 2% to more than 70% (P< 0.0001). More children were referred for further assessment in the second audit than the first, although the difference was not significant (6 (0.6%) v 14 (1.4%), P = 0.072). The general level of awareness and vigilance increased in the second audit, even for children whose records did not contain the flowchart-Lessons learnt Inclusion of a simple reminder flowchart in the notes of injured preschool children attending the emergency department increases awareness, consideration, and documentation of intentional injury. Rates of referral for further assessment also increase.
机译:问题在繁忙的急诊科中,虐待儿童容易被忽视。设计在引入提醒流程图前后,对1000名儿童进行两阶段审核。背景和设置郊区教学医院的急诊科每年约有4000名受伤的学龄前儿童。改进的关键措施在将提醒流程图引入急诊科笔记之前和之后,充分记录和考虑了故意伤害的记录数量以及被转介作进一步评估的儿童数量。更改策略要求护士在所有参加该部门受伤的0-5岁儿童的笔记中插入评估流程图,以评估故意伤害,并记录检查儿童保护记录的结果。变更的影响在第二次审核中,增加了考虑到故意伤害的所有八个指标的文档。历史与损伤的相容性和历史一致性的记录从不到2%增加到超过70%(P <0.0001)。尽管差异不显着(6(0.6%)vs 14(1.4%),P = 0.072),但第二次审核中被转介接受进一步评估的儿童更多。在第二次审核中,即使对于记录中未包含流程图的孩子,他们的总体意识和警惕性​​也有所提高。经验教训在急诊科受伤的学龄前儿童的笔记中包括简单的提醒流程图,可以提高人们的意识,考虑和文件记录故意伤害。转诊进一步评估的比率也有所增加。



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