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Medicine in the age of global interdependence


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"The great question of this new century is whether the age of interdependence is going to be good or bad for humanity. The answer depends upon whether we in the wealthy nations spread the benefits and reduce the burdens of the modern world, on whether the poor nations enact the changes necessary to make progress possible, and on whether we all can develop a level of consciousness high enough to understand our obligations and responsibilities to each other." Bill Clinton, 26 January 2002 "A century of destruction unlike any other befalls and blights the human race-scores of millions of ordinary people condemned to suffer deprivation upon deprivation, atrocity upon atrocity, evil upon evil, half the world or more subjected to pathological sadism as social policy, whole societies organised and fettered by the fear of violent persecution, the degradation of individual life engineered on a scale unknown throughout history, nations broken and enslaved by ideological criminals who rob them of everything, entire populations so demoralised as to be unable to get out of bed in the morning with the minutest desire to face the day ... all the terrible touchstones presented by the century, and here they are up in arms about ... Monica Lewinsky! ... This, in 1998, is the wickedness they have to put up with. This, in 1998, is their torture, their torment, and their spiritual death."
机译:“新世纪的大问题是,相互依存的时代对人类是好是坏。答案取决于我们在富裕国家中是否传播利益并减轻现代世界的负担,取决于穷人各国作出必要的改变以使进步成为可能,并就我们大家是否能够形成足够高的意识水平来理解我们彼此之间的义务和责任进行变革。”比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton),2002年1月26日“一个世纪的破坏与其他任何挫折不同,它使数百万普通人的种族分数遭到谴责,他们被剥夺了贫穷,残暴地暴行,罪恶恶化,一半以上的世界遭受了病理虐待主义作为一种社会政策,整个社会因对暴力迫害的恐惧而受组织和束缚,个人生活的恶化以史无前例的规模制造,国家被意识形态犯罪分子打断和奴役,他们劫掠了一切,整个人口都因此丧气无法在早晨起床,带着最微弱的欲望面对一天……世纪以来呈现的所有可怕的试金石,在这里,他们为……莫妮卡·莱温斯基而战!……1998年是他们必须忍受的邪恶。在1998年,这是他们的折磨,折磨和精神死亡。”



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