首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Long term mortality after severe starvation during the siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study

Long term mortality after severe starvation during the siege of Leningrad: prospective cohort study


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Objective To determine whether starvation during periods of increased growth after birth has long term health consequences. Design Analysis of cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in a longitudinal follow up after the 1941-4 siege of Leningrad. Mortality measured from 1975 to the end of 1999. Setting St Petersburg, Russia (formerly Leningrad). Participants 5000 men born 1916-35 who lived in Leningrad, randomly selected to take part in health examinations in 1975-7. Of the 3905 men who participated, a third had experienced the siege. Main outcome measures Relative risk of ischaemic heart disease and mortality from stroke by siege exposure. Odds ratios and means for several cardiovascular risk factors. Results Three to six decades after the siege, in men who experienced the siege around the age of puberty blood pressure was raised (mean difference in systolic 3.3 mm Hg, in diastolic 1.3 mm Hg) as was mortality from ischaemic heart disease (relative risk 1.39,95% confidence interval 1.07 to 1.79) and stroke (1.67,1.15 to 2.43), including haemorrhagic stroke (1.71, 0.90 to 3.22). The effect on mortality was partly mediated via blood pressure but not by any other measured biological, behavioural, or social factor. Conclusions Starvation, or accompanying chronic stress, particularly at the onset of or during puberty, may increase vulnerability to later cardiovascular disease.
机译:目的确定出生后生长加快期间的饥饿是否对健康产生长期影响。 1941-4年列宁格勒被围困后的纵向随访中,心血管危险因素和死亡率的设计分析。死亡率是从1975年到1999年底测量的。俄罗斯圣彼得堡(原列宁格勒)。参与者5,000名1916-35年出生的男子,他们居住在列宁格勒,并于1975-7年随机选择参加健康检查。在参加活动的3905名士兵中,有三分之一遭受了包围。主要结局指标围攻暴露引起的缺血性心脏病的相对风险和中风的死亡率。几种心血管危险因素的赔率和均值。结果围困三到六十年后,在青春期左右经历围困的男性的血压升高(平均收缩压差3.3 mm Hg,舒张压差1.3 mm Hg)和缺血性心脏病的死亡率(相对危险度1.39) ,95%的置信区间1.07至1.79)和中风(1.67、1.15至2.43),包括出血性中风(1.71、0.90至3.22)。对死亡率的影响部分是通过血压介导的,而不是通过任何其他测量的生物学,行为或社会因素介导的。结论饥饿或伴随的慢性压力,尤其是在青春期开始或青春期,可能增加对以后心血管疾病的抵抗力。



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