首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Pharmacology >Evidence that S-adenosyl-L-methionine diastereoisomers may reduce ischaemia-reperfusion injury by interacting with purinoceptors in isolated rat liver

Evidence that S-adenosyl-L-methionine diastereoisomers may reduce ischaemia-reperfusion injury by interacting with purinoceptors in isolated rat liver


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Mechanisms underlying the haemodynamic activity of diastereoisomers of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) were investigated using inhibitors of purinoceptors and nitric oxide(NO) synthase in perfused rat livers damaged by sequential 24 h cold and 20 min rewarming ischaemia + reperfusion. Stored livers were flushed with 10 ml saline alone(control) or with added (R,S) or (S,S)SAM (100 μM) and reperfused in the absence (control) or presence of 10 μM 8-phenyltheophylline (8-PT) or 100 μM L-N-monomethylarginine(L-NMMA). Both SAM diastereoisomers rapidly increased blood flow and bile production versus controls (P<0.001) but the (R,S) isomer induced greater increases in blood flow and the (S,S) isomer greater increases in bile production: 625 versus 596 versus 518 ml blood flow and 100 versus 119 versus 56 mg bile production per g liver over 3 h in (R,S),(S,S) and control, respectively.
机译:研究了使用嘌呤受体和一氧化氮(NO)合酶抑制剂对连续24小时受凉和20分钟再热局部缺血+再灌注损伤的灌注大鼠肝脏中S-腺苷-L-蛋氨酸(SAM)非对映异构体血液动力学活性的潜在机制。储存的肝脏仅用10 ml生理盐水(对照)或添加(R,S)或(S,S)SAM(100μM)冲洗,并在不存在(对照)或存在10μM8-苯基茶碱(8- PT)或100μMLN-单甲基精氨酸(L-NMMA)。与对照相比,两种SAM非对映异构体均迅速增加了血流量和胆汁产量(P <0.001),但是(R,S)异构体引起了更大的血流增加,而(S,S)异构体胆汁产生的更大增加:625 vs. 596 vs 518 (R,S),(S,S)和对照组在3小时内每g肝脏的平均毫升流量分别为100 ml和119 vs 56胆汁。



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