首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Pharmacology >Evidence that tachykinins are the main NANC excitatory neurotransmitters in the guinea-pig common bile duct

Evidence that tachykinins are the main NANC excitatory neurotransmitters in the guinea-pig common bile duct


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Application of electrical field stimulation (EFS; trains of 10 Hz, 0.25 ms pulse width, supramaximal voltage for 60 s) to the guinea-pig isolated common bile duct pretreated with atropine(1μM), produced a slowly-developing contraction('on' response) followed by a quick phasic 'off' contraction('off peak' response) and a tonic response ('off late' response), averaging 16±2, 73±3 and 20±4/100 of the maximal contraction to KCl (80 mM), n =20 each, respectively. Tetrodotoxin(1 μM; 15 min before) abolished the overall response to EFS (n =8). Neither in vitro capsaicin pretreatment (10 μM for 15 min), nor guanethidine (3 μM, 60 min before) Affected the excitatory response to EFS(n =5 each), showing that neither primary sensory neurons, nor Sympathetic nerves were involved.
机译:将电场刺激(EFS; 10 Hz,0.25 ms脉冲宽度,最高电压持续60 s的火车)施加到经阿托品(1μM)预处理的豚鼠分离的胆总管中,产生缓慢发展的收缩(“ on”)阶段性反应),接着是快速的阶段性``离群''收缩(``离峰''反应)和强直反应(``离群晚期''反应),平均最大收缩至KCl的16±2、73±3和20±4/100 (80 mM),n分别为20。河豚毒素(1μM; 15分钟前)消除了对EFS的总体反应(n = 8)。体外辣椒素预处理(10μM,15分钟)或胍乙啶(3μM,60分钟前)均未影响对EFS的兴奋反应(每个n = 5),表明既不涉及初级感觉神经元也不涉及交感神经。



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