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Sly grog: A brief history of distilling in Australia


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The year: 1788. A chilly December night in the Scottish village of Auldgirth. Outside the Ellisland Farm residence of Scottish poet and lyricist, Robert Burns, snow fell on the banks of the River Nith. Burns sat in front of an open fireplace which filled the cottage with warmth and permeated the air with the reek of peat smoke. For Burns and his visiting neighbours, the fire gave relief from the elements outside, but the whisky in the cask he just broken open would do a better job of warming their insides. The following day, he would write to Mr. John Tennant, farmer and family friend from whom he had acquired the cask, to thank him and to remark that: "The whisky of this country is a most rascally liquor; and, by consequence only drunk by the most rascally part of the inhabitants." Robert Burns, letter to Mr. John Tennant, Dec 22nd, 1788.
机译:年份:1788年。12月的一个寒冷夜晚,发生在苏格兰奥尔德吉斯村。在苏格兰诗人和作词家罗伯特·伯恩斯(Robert Burns)在埃利斯兰农场(Ellisland Farm)住所外,尼斯河(River Nith)上下了雪。伯恩斯坐在开放式壁炉的前面,壁炉使小屋充满了温暖,空气中弥漫着泥炭的烟雾。对于伯恩斯和他的来访邻居来说,大火缓解了外界的影响,但是他刚打开的木桶里的威士忌会更好地温暖他们的内部。第二天,他写信给他从他那里获得了木桶的农民和家庭朋友约翰·特南特先生,感谢他并指出:“这个国家的威士忌是最无赖的酒;因此,只有这样被最卑鄙的居民喝醉了。”罗伯特·伯恩斯(Robert Burns),1788年12月22日给约翰·特南特先生的信。



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