首页> 外文期刊>Boundary-Layer Meteorology >Evidence for Nearly Complete Decoupling of Very Stable Nocturnal Boundary Layer Overland

Evidence for Nearly Complete Decoupling of Very Stable Nocturnal Boundary Layer Overland


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Concentrations of 222Rn at 0.1 m and 6.5 m height above ground level and 222Rn flux density were measured during nights characterized by strong cooling, light winds and clear sky conditions in the Carpathian Basin in Hungary. A very stable boundary layer (vSBL) formed on 14 nights between 15 August and 3 September 2009. On 12 nights, an estimated 72% (s.d. 20%) of 222Rn emitted from the surface since sunset was retained within the lowest 6.5 m above the ground until sunrise the following morning. On two nights an intermittent increase in wind speed at 9.4 m height was followed by a rise in temperature at 2.0 m height, indicating a larger atmospheric motion that resulted in 222Rn at 0.1 m around sunrise being the same as around the preceding sunset. It does not seem to be rare in a large continental basin for a vSBL to be nearly completely decoupled from the atmosphere above for the entire period from sunset to sunrise.
机译:在夜间以强冷,微风和晴朗的天空为特征的夜晚,测量了距地面0.1 m和6.5 m高度的 222 Rn浓度和 222 Rn的通量密度。喀尔巴阡盆地在匈牙利。 2009年8月15日至9月3日之间的14个晚上形成了一个非常稳定的边界层(vSBL)。在12个晚上,自日落以来,估计从表面排放的 222 Rn的72%(sd 20%)是保留在距地面最低6.5 m的范围内,直到第二天早晨日出。在两晚的时间里,风速在9.4 m处间歇性增加,然后在2.0 m处温度升高,这表明较大的大气运动导致日出附近0.1 m处的 222 Rn相同如前日落。在从日落到日出的整个过程中,vSBL几乎完全与上方的大气分离,这在大型大陆盆地中似乎并不罕见。



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