首页> 外文期刊>Acta botanica sinica >Late Miocene Woods of Taxodiaceae from Yunnan, China

Late Miocene Woods of Taxodiaceae from Yunnan, China


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Late Miocene woods were investigated from the Liihe Basin in Chuxiong Borough, central Yunnan, China. The calcified woods preserved in the Shigucun member of the Shihuiba Formation, are represented by fallen logs and stumps. Two species of fossil wood, Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld 1953 and T. cunninghamioides Watari 1948, are described. Their anatomical structure shows striking similarities to the woods of Cryptomeria and Cunninghamia respectively. That the two fossil woods are classed in the Taxodiaceae suggest a subtropical, humid, and warm environment in Liihe during Late Miocene. They compare favorably to other fossil specimens and species reported from localities ranging from Cretaceous to Pliocene. This is the first record of the presence of the species T. cryptomeripsoides and T. cunninghamioides in Late Miocene of Yunnan.
机译:晚中新世木材是从云南中部楚雄自治县的礼河盆地进行调查的。石灰坝组石鼓村段保存的钙化木材以倒下的原木和树桩为代表。描述了两种化石木材,Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld 1953和T. cunninghamioides Watari 1948。它们的解剖结构分别与柳杉和杉木的森林具有惊人的相似性。两种植物分类为紫杉科,这表明中新世晚期在he河有亚热带,潮湿和温暖的环境。与从白垩纪到上新世地区报道的其他化石标本和物种相比,它们具有优势。这是云南中新世晚期存在隐孢子虫和杉木毛虫的第一个记录。



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