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Acceptance and commitment therapy to reduce eating disorder symptoms and body image problems in patients with residual eating disorder symptoms: A randomized controlled trial


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Body image problems are central aspects of eating disorders (ED), and risk factors both for the development of and relapse into an ED. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) aims at helping patients accept uncomfortable internal experiences while committing to behaviors in accordance with life values. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of a group intervention, consisting of 12 sessions, based on ACT to treatment as usual (TAU) for patients with residual ED symptoms and body image problems. The study was a randomized controlled superiority trial. Patients with residual ED symptoms and body image problems were recruited from a specialized ED clinic in Sweden. The final sample consisted of 99 women, randomized to ACT or TAU. At the two-year follow-up, patients who received ACT showed a significant greater reduction in ED symptoms and body image problems and received less specialized ED care than patients in TAU. In conclusion, ACT was superior in reducing ED symptoms and body image problems. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:身体形象问题是饮食失调(ED)的主要方面,并且是ED发生和复发的危险因素。接受和承诺疗法(ACT)旨在帮助患者接受不舒适的内部经历,同时根据生活价值做出行为。本研究的目的是比较包括ACT在内的12个疗程的团体干预与常规治疗(TAU)对残留ED症状和身体影像问题患者的有效性。该研究是一项随机对照优势试验。具有残留ED症状和身体图像问题的患者是从瑞典一家专门的ED诊所招募的。最终样本包括99名女性,随机分配至ACT或TAU。在为期两年的随访中,接受ACT治疗的患者表现出ED症状和身体图像问题的明显减轻,并且接受的ED护理少于TAU患者。总之,ACT在减少ED症状和身体图像问题方面具有优势。 (C)2020作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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