首页> 外文期刊>Body image >Considering an affect regulation framework for examining the association between body dissatisfaction and positive body image in Black older adolescent females: Does body mass index matter?

Considering an affect regulation framework for examining the association between body dissatisfaction and positive body image in Black older adolescent females: Does body mass index matter?


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The present study provided an initial evaluation of an affect regulation model describing the association between body dissatisfaction and two contemporary measures of positive body image among 247 Black college-bound older adolescent females. We further tested whether possessing a higher body mass index (BMI) would strengthen these associations. Self-reported height and weight were used to calculate BMI. Respondents also completed a culturally-sensitive figure rating scale along with assessments of body appreciation and body image flexibility. Results indicated a robust positive association between the two measures of positive body image; BMI was the strongest predictor of both body appreciation and body image flexibility with body size discrepancy (current minus ideal) contributing incremental variance to both models tested. Implications for improving our understanding of the association between positive and negative body image and bolstering positive body image to promote health-protective behaviors among Black young women at this developmental juncture are discussed.
机译:本研究提供了一个情感调节模型的初步评估,该模型描述了247名黑人大学绑定的青春期青少年女性的身体不满与两项现代积极的身体形象测量之间的关联。我们进一步测试了拥有更高的体重指数(BMI)是否会增强这些关联。自我报告的身高和体重用于计算BMI。受访者还完成了对文化敏感的人物评分表,并评估了身体欣赏和身体形象的灵活性。结果表明两种积极的身体形象指标之间有很强的正相关性。 BMI是身体欣赏和身体图像灵活性的最强预测指标,并且身体尺寸差异(当前值减去理想值)对两个测试模型均产生了增量方差。讨论了改善我们对正负身体形象之间的关联以及增强正身体形象以促进黑人年轻女性在这个发展关头的健康保护行为的意义。



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