首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering >Feasibility of an Electrode-Reservoir Device for Transdermal Drug Delivery by Noninvasive Skin Electroporation

Feasibility of an Electrode-Reservoir Device for Transdermal Drug Delivery by Noninvasive Skin Electroporation


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Electrical creation of aqueous pathways across the skin's outer layer [stratum corneum (SC)] provides an approach to transdermal delivery of medium-size water-soluble compounds. However, nerve stimulation should be avoided. Here, we show that a microstructured electrode array can significantly confine the electric field to the nerve-free SC. The prototype electrode-reservoir device (ERD) contains field-confining electrodes and a fluorescent drug surrogate [sulphorhodamine (SR)]. In vivo human experiments at the forearm with approximately rectangular voltage pulses up to 500 V and 1-ms duration cause electroporation as measured by skin resistance change but only rarely caused sensation. Human skin in vitro experiments with such pulses up to 300 V transported SR across the SC. Our results are supported by a model's prediction of the field in the ERD and nearby tissue
机译:跨皮肤外层[角质层(SC)]的水通道的电产生提供了一种透皮递送中等大小的水溶性化合物的方法。但是,应避免神经刺激。在这里,我们表明,微结构化的电极阵列可以将电场显着地限制在无神经的SC​​上。原型电极储液器(ERD)包含限制电场的电极和荧光药物替代品[sulphorhodamine(SR)]。人体人体前臂在大约矩形电压脉冲下(高达500 V,持续时间为1毫秒)进行的人体实验会引起电穿孔(通过皮肤电阻变化测量),但很少引起感觉。用高达300 V的脉冲在人体皮肤进行体外实验,将SR跨SC转运。我们的结果得到了模型对ERD和附近组织中电场的预测的支持



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