首页> 外文期刊>Biology and Fertility of Soils >Changes in soil properties and their effects on maize productivity following Sesbania sesban and Cajanus cajan improved fallow systems in eastern Zambia

Changes in soil properties and their effects on maize productivity following Sesbania sesban and Cajanus cajan improved fallow systems in eastern Zambia

机译:Sesbania sesban和Cajanus cajan改善了赞比亚东部的休耕系统后,土壤性质的变化及其对玉米生产力的影响

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Improved fallows with leguminous trees have been developed in Southern Africa as a viable alternative to inorganic fertilizers but the changes in soil properties that are responsible for crop productivity improvement and implications of mixing litter and fresh leaves from the same tree species on soil fertility are not fully understood. Our objectives were to quantify (1) some changes in soil properties that are responsible for crop production improvement under improved fallow systems; (2) the N mineralization patterns of mixtures of litter and fresh leaves from the same tree species. The treatments used in the study were 2-year planted Sesbania sesban (sesbania) and Cajanus cajan (cajanus) and controls of natural fallow, continuous fertilized and unfertilized maize. At fallow clearing sesbania contributed 56 kg N ha−1 through litter and fresh leaves. Sesbania (fresh leaves + litter) showed high N mineralization after 10 weeks compared to the mixture of cajanus fresh leaves with litter. Maize yields were significantly correlated with preseason NO3 −-N and total inorganic-N content of the top 20-cm soil layer. Soil penetrometer resistance at 4 weeks after planting was lowest in the sesbania land-use system (2.2 Mpa), whereas the highest percentage of water-stable aggregates at fallow clearing and crop harvest was in sesbania (83%) and cajanus (77%), respectively. The improved soil conditions and N contribution of sesbania and cajanus fallows to the subsequent maize crop was evidenced by increased maize yields of between 170–200% over maize without fertilizer.
机译:南部非洲已开发出改善豆科植物休耕的方法,作为无机肥料的可行替代品,但是土壤特性的变化(用于提高作物生产力)以及混合同种树种的枯枝落叶和鲜叶对土壤肥力的影响尚不充分。了解。我们的目标是量化(1)在改良的休耕制度下,土壤特性的某些变化可促进作物的生产; (2)同一树种凋落物和鲜叶混合物的N矿化模式。研究中使用的处理方法是种植2年的Sesbania sesban(sesbania)和Cajanus cajan(cajanus),并控制天然休耕,连续受精和未受精玉米。休耕时,芝麻树通过凋落物和新鲜叶子贡献了56 kg N ha-1 。 Sesbania(鲜叶+凋落物)在10周后显示出较高的N矿化度,相比之下,新鲜的Cajanus叶片与凋落物的混合物。玉米产量与季前NO3 - -N和土壤最上部20 cm层中的总无机N含量显着相关。种植后第4周土壤渗透仪的抵抗力在塞巴尼亚土地利用系统中最低(2.2 Mpa),而在休耕和收成时水稳定集料的最高百分比是在塞巴尼亚(83%)和木豆(77%) , 分别。与未施肥的玉米相比,玉米产量提高了170-200%,这证明了土壤条件的改善以及芝麻和ca木休耕对随后玉米作物的氮素贡献。



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