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A Comparative Assessment of Birds' Ability to Solve String-Pulling Tasks


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A set of string-pulling tasks was used to compare the cognitive abilities of birds with different levels of brain complexity, which was judged using Portmann's index for the hemispheres. Varying the number and relative position of strings and bait, we investigated whether birds of different species (hooded crows (Corvus cornix), red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra), Eurasian blue tits (Parus caeruleus), and great gray owls (Strix nebulosa)) are capable of comprehending the logical structure of such tasks based on cause-effect relationships. Among the observed representatives of Passeriformes, only hooded crows, which possess the most complex and highly differentiated brain, were shown to be able to solve correctly the most difficult versions of the string-pulling tasks and, therefore, to understand their logical structure. Small passerine birds and owls, which are characterized by a similarly high value of Portmann's index, proved to be incapable of comprehending the cause-effect relationship between the components of the tasks.
机译:使用一组字符串提取任务来比较具有不同大脑复杂度的鸟类的认知能力,这是使用Portmann的半球指数来判断的。通过改变弦和诱饵的数量和相对位置,我们调查了不同物种的鸟类(带帽乌鸦(Corvus cornix),红cross(Loxia curvirostra),欧亚蓝雀(Parus caeruleus)和大灰猫头鹰(Strix nebulosa))能够基于因果关系理解此类任务的逻辑结构。在观察到的Passeriformes代表中,只有具有最复杂和高度分化的大脑的带帽乌鸦被证明能够正确解决最困难版本的拉弦任务,因此可以理解它们的逻辑结构。小型雀形目鸟类和猫头鹰的特征在于波特曼指数具有相似的高值,被证明无法理解任务组成部分之间的因果关系。



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