首页> 外文期刊>Biodiversity and Conservation >Road mortality in freshwater turtles: identifying causes of spatial patterns to optimize road planning and mitigation

Road mortality in freshwater turtles: identifying causes of spatial patterns to optimize road planning and mitigation


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Road mortality of freshwater turtles can be high enough to imperil populations near roads, thus there is a need to efficiently and accurately locate regions of excessive road-kill along road networks for mitigation. Weekly over 2 years, we drove a 160 km highway circuit in northeastern New York State, USA and recorded the location of all detected road-kill of three freshwater turtle species (Chelydra serpentina, Chrysemys picta, Emydoidea blandingii). We then analyzed the spatial dispersion of road-kill and the road and landscape features associated with road-kill locations. Road-kill was most prevalent at a limited number of short road segments, termed ‘hotspots’. The locations of hotspots, as indicated by kernel density analysis, and the peak spatial extent of hotspots (250 m), as indicated by Ripley’s K, corresponded to the locations and average lengths of causeways (road segments with wetlands within 100 m on both sides). Hotspots were located at causeways that were greater than 200 m length and characterized by high traffic volumes, close proximity to water, and high forest coverage. We conclude that freshwater turtle road mortality is spatially aggregated at short, severe hotspots, and hotspot locations can be predicted when the locations of wetlands, traffic volumes, and the land-uses bordering roads are known. Hotspot models using these predictors can locate sites along a road network that are the most promising for mitigation to reduce excessive road mortality and maintain connectivity.
机译:淡水龟的道路死亡率可能很高,足以危及道路附近的人口,因此,有必要沿着道路网络高效,准确地定位道路杀伤力过大的地区,以减轻影响。在过去的两年中,我们每周在美国纽约州东北部行驶一条160公里的高速公路,并记录了所有检测到的三种淡水龟物种(Chelydra serpentina,Chrysemys picta,Emydoidea blandingii)的路杀位置。然后,我们分析了道路杀人的空间分布以及与道路杀人地点相关的道路和景观特征。道路杀伤在少数几个称为“热点”的短路段中最为普遍。如内核密度分析所示,热点的位置以及由Ripley's K表示的热点的峰值空间范围(250 m)对应于堤道的位置和平均长度(两侧湿地在100 m以内的路段) )。热点位于长度超过200 m的堤道上,其特点是交通量大,靠近水和森林覆盖率高。我们得出的结论是,淡水龟路死亡率在短期内是严重的热点地区,而在已知湿地的位置,交通量以及与道路接壤的土地用途时,可以预测热点位置。使用这些预测变量的热点模型可以在道路网络上定位最有希望缓解的站点,以减少过多的道路死亡率并保持连通性。



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