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The effect of bark beetle infestation and salvage logging on bat activity in a national park


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Salvage logging—the removal of dead trees in disturbed forest stands—has been controversially discussed. We investigated the impact of bark beetle attacks and subsequent salvage logging on insectivorous bats in a temperate mountain forest. We quantified bat activity (25,373 min counts; 32 plots) using batcorders during 221 all-night surveys in stands killed by bark beetles, with dead trees removed or not, and in vital, single- or multi-layered mature forest stands. We analysed the differences in activity of all bats in general and of bats of foraging guilds (open habitat, forest edge, closed habitat) in these habitats using a generalized linear Poisson mixed model, with plot and observation as random factors, and temperature and habitat as fixed factors. Only open-habitat foragers were slightly more active in salvage-logged stands than in bark-beetle-affected stands; they generally benefited from an open forest canopy, whereas closed-habitat foragers did not. Our results indicated that: (1) bats are less affected by salvage logging after a disturbance of a magnitude typical for European forests, probably because enough roosts are present in surrounding areas, (2) habitats for open foragers are improved by bark beetle infestation and (3) bats are poor bioindicators of negative impacts of salvage logging after natural disturbance in forests with a composition typical for Central Europe.
机译:挽救性伐木(清除受干扰的林分中的枯树)一直存在争议。我们调查了树皮甲虫袭击和随后的打捞对温带山区森林中食虫蝙蝠的影响。我们在221个整夜的调查中,使用蝙蝠在由树皮甲虫杀死,没有死树的情况下以及在重要的单层或多层成熟林分中,使用蝙蝠来量化蝙蝠的活动(25,373分钟计数; 32个地块)。我们使用广义线性泊松混合模型分析了这些栖息地中所有蝙蝠和觅食行会的蝙蝠(开放栖息地,森林边缘,封闭栖息地)蝙蝠的活动差异,其中以图和观测为随机因素,以及温度和栖息地作为固定因素。在打捞记录的林分中,只有开放栖息地的觅食者比受树皮甲虫影响的林分活跃得多。他们通常受益于开放的林冠,而封闭栖息地的觅食者则没有。我们的结果表明:(1)蝙蝠受欧洲森林典型的严重扰动后打捞伐木的影响较小,这可能是因为周围地区存在足够的栖息地;(2)树皮甲虫的侵扰改善了觅食者的栖息地, (3)蝙蝠是不良生物指示物,对森林造成自然干扰后打捞伐木产生负面影响,其成分在中欧地区很典型。



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