首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering >A Minimum-Jerk Speed-Planning Algorithm for Coordinated Planning and Control of Automated Assembly Manufacturing

A Minimum-Jerk Speed-Planning Algorithm for Coordinated Planning and Control of Automated Assembly Manufacturing


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We previously proposed a general algorithm for coordinating the motions among multiple machines in a shared assembly environment based on a constant-speed motion model. In this paper, we extend this work to a minimum-jerk polynomial motion model and describe a new speed-planning algorithm to plan automated assembly machines' motions. Machines are planned sequentially, based on their priorities, by mapping the motions of higher-priority machines into forbidden regions in two-dimensional space-time graphs. Collision-free minimum-jerk motions are then planned between the forbidden regions in the graphs. The new speed-planning algorithm is evaluated on a dual-robot surface-mount technology assembly machine in which both robots share a common workspace. Note to Practitioners—Automated assembly processes, especially surface-mount technology manufacturing, require a high degree of precision when placing certain components. This motivated us to find a way of maintaining good positional accuracy by planning smooth motions for the machines that perform these tasks. Since many of these machines have two or more robots, their motions must also be coordinated. We developed an algorithm that combines coordinated motion concepts with a minimum-jerk motion model that can solve these problems. The algorithm plans segmented paths for the robots and then sequentially plans their speeds to prevent collisions between them. The planned speeds ensure position, velocity, and acceleration continuity between path segments. The smooth motions resulting from this method enable high-accuracy component placement. The tradeoff for this improvement is increased cycle time compared to other speed-planning methods.



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