首页> 外文期刊>Australian & New Zealand journal of statistics >Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Ordinal Data Using Full-Information Adaptive Quadrature

Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Ordinal Data Using Full-Information Adaptive Quadrature


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We conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of responses (N=803) to a self-reported measure of optimism, using full-information estimation via adaptive quadrature (AQ), an alternative estimation method for ordinal data. We evaluated AQ results in terms of the number of iterations required to achieve convergence, model fit, parameter estimates, standard errors (SE), and statistical significance, across four link-functions (logit, probit, log-log, complimentary log-log) using 3-10 and 20 quadrature points. We compared AQ results with those obtained using maximum likelihood, robust maximum likelihood, and robust diagonally weighted least-squares estimation. Compared to the other two link-functions, logit and probit not only produced fit statistics, parameters estimates, SEs, and levels of significance that varied less across numbers of quadrature points, but also fitted the data better and provided larger completely standardised loadings than did maximum likelihood and diagonally weighted least-squares. Our findings demonstrate the viability of using full-information AQ to estimate CFA models with real-world ordinal data.
机译:我们通过对自适应数据(AQ)的完整信息估计(序数数据的另一种估计方法),对自我报告的乐观程度进行了响应(N = 803)的确认因素分析(CFA)。我们通过跨四个链接功能(logit,probit,log-log,互补log-log)实现收敛,模型拟合,参数估计,标准误差(SE)和统计显着性所需的迭代次数来评估AQ结果。 )使用3-10和20个正交点。我们将AQ结果与使用最大似然,稳健最大似然和稳健对角加权最小二乘估计获得的结果进行了比较。与其他两个链接功能相比,logit和probit不仅产生了拟合统计量,参数估计值,SE以及显着性水平,它们在正交点数之间的变化较小,而且与以往的数据相比,拟合得更好,并且提供了更大的完全标准化的负载最大似然和对角加权最小二乘。我们的发现证明了使用完整信息的AQ来估计具有真实顺序数据的CFA模型的可行性。



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