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PM levels in the Basque Country (Northern Spain): analysis of a 5-year data record and interpretation of seasonal variations


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Levels of PM observed at the air quality network from the Basque Country in 1996-2000 ranged from 16 mugPM(10)/m(3) at regional background sites, to 35-40 mug TSP/m(3) (equivalent to 25-30 mug PM10/m(3)) at urban background sites, to 40-48mugTSP/m(3) (30-40mugPM(10)/m(3)) at roadside sites; to 50-64mugTSP/m(3) (35-50mugPM(10)/m(3)) at industrial and heavy traffic sites. The EU daily and annual PM10 limit values for 2005 are not equivalent for the Basque Country, and consequently only the mean 1996-2000 PM levels from one station would exceed the 2005 annual limit value but most of them surpass n = 35 exceedances of the daily limit value. The equivalent n to the 2005 annual limit value is around 80. Four major processes exert an influence on PM levels throughout the Basque territory: local and regional anthropogenic contributions, precipitation, African dust and European transport. PM at Llodio (an urban background site under industrial influence and mean PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 levels for 2001 of 34, 25 and 21 mug/m(3)) is mainly distributed in the fine mode: 74% of PM10 is constituted by PM2.5, and 64% of PM2.5 presents a diameter < 1 mum. The particle size distribution of PM varies seasonally with the fine fractions prevailing in summer (PM2.5/PM10 = 80-90%) and the coarser increasing in winter (PM2.5/PM10 = 60-70%). Meso- and synoptic scale processes affecting global PM levels in the Basque Country have been identified (mainly pollution episodes, African, Atlantic and EU transport). The results obtained allowed us to evaluate the impact of the different types of PM episodes on ambient PM levels and particle size fractions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 23]
机译:在1996-2000年,巴斯克地区的空气质量网络中观测到的PM浓度范围从区域背景站点的16 mugPM(10)/ m(3)到35-40马克杯TSP / m(3)(相当于25-PM在城市背景站点中为30马克杯PM10 / m(3)),在路边站点中为40-48mugTSP / m(3)(30-40mugPM(10)/ m(3));到工业和交通繁忙的站点的50-64mugTSP / m(3)(35-50mugPM(10)/ m(3))。欧盟2005年的每日和年度PM10限值与巴斯克地区不同,因此,只有一个站点的1996-2000年平均PM10水平会超过2005年的年度限值,但大多数都超过了n = 35极限值。 n等于2005年度极限值的n约为80。四个主要过程对整个巴斯克地区的PM水平产生影响:本地和区域人为贡献,降水,非洲扬尘和欧洲运输。 Llodio的PM(受工业影响的城市背景站点,2001年的PM10,PM2.5和PM1平均水平分别为34、25和21马克/米(3))主要以精细模式分配:构成74%的PM10通过PM2.5,64%的PM2.5的直径小于1毫米。 PM的粒径分布随季节变化,夏季以细小颗粒占主导地位(PM2.5 / PM10 = 80-90%),而冬季则以较粗颗粒增加(PM2.5 / PM10 = 60-70%)。已经确定了影响巴斯克地区全球PM水平的中尺度和天气尺度过程(主要是污染事件,非洲,大西洋和欧盟的运输)。获得的结果使我们能够评估不同类型的PM发作对环境PM水平和粒径分数的影响。 (C)2003 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:23]



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