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Healthcare libraries in Saudi Arabia: analysis and recommendations


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Purpose - The paper aims to gam a detailed understanding of the current health library/informationrnenvironment in Saudi Arabia, to identify problems, issues, and areas for improvement, to makernrecommendations for improvement, and to instantiate these in models and prototypes.rnDesign/methodology/approach - A mixed method empirical approach is used in 11 healthrnlibraries, including literature survey, institutional profiling, questionnaire, interviews,rnnon-participant observation, and examination of documents. A model for supporting changernmanagement in Saudi health libraries is proposed, and a prototype for a Saudi Health InformationrnNetwork is developed.rnFindings - The healthcare libraries are well-used, and appreciated by their users, and the staff arerngenerally satisfied with their work. Problems and issues are identified: use of informationrncommunication technologies and digital resources; lack of proactive information services; education,rntraining and continuing professional development for health library work; limited strategic planningrnand policy for these services. Recommendations are made for improvements.rnResearch limitations/implications - The empirical research is limited to health sciences librariesrnin Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The prototype health information network has not beenrnevaluated by users.rnPractical implications - Recommendations are made to enable the government of Saudi Arabiarnand its various agencies to support improvements in the existing health sciences libraries andrninformation provision.rnOriginality/value - This is a detailed study of the health library environment in Saudi Arabia,rnillustrating factors typical of the situation in many other countries. The paper outlines a novelrnorganisational change model and prototype national health information network.
机译:目的-本文旨在深入了解沙特阿拉伯当前的健康图书馆/信息环境,确定问题,问题和需要改进的地方,提出要改进的建议,并在模型和原型中实例化它们.rnDesign / methodology /方法-在11个卫生图书馆中采用了混合方法实证方法,包括文献调查,机构概况分析,问卷调查,访谈,非参与者观察和文档检查。提出了一种支持沙特卫生图书馆中变更管理的模型,并开发了一个沙特卫生信息网络原型。确定了问题和问题:使用信息通信技术和数字资源;缺乏主动的信息服务;保健图书馆工作的教育,培训和持续专业发展;这些服务的战略规划和政策有限。提出了改进建议。研究局限/含意-实证研究仅限于沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得的健康科学图书馆。原始健康信息网络尚未得到用户的评估。实用意义-提出建议,使沙特阿拉伯政府及其各个机构能够支持对现有健康科学图书馆和信息提供的改进。原始性/价值-这是对卫生信息网络的详细研究。沙特阿拉伯的卫生图书馆环境,这是许多其他国家的典型情况。本文概述了一种新型的组织变革模型和国家卫生信息网络的原型。



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