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Usage of E Networking Sites at Workplace: An Empirical Study


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In today's aggressive business environment, the challenge of sustaining competitive advantage pre-occupies the minds of most business and government leaders. It has become common practice that internet executives are spending far more time on recruiting than they ever did in the old economy, and they worry far more about how to keep the talent once won. The intensity of this concern has become even greater since April, 2000, when the deluge of investment funding dried to a trickle. E managers are now painfully aware that they must be able to motivate people to come, to stay and to make great contributions. The main objective of this paper is to explore the role of social networking sites e.g. face book, linked. In etc. on employee performance which includes skills, productivity and knowledge of employees and influence of social media on performance of generation Y. Using a sample of 125 professionals this study attempts to review and analyze the effect of rising use of social Networking sites on employee's performance i.e. skills, knowledge, productivity and its influence on retention of Generation Y. The result of the study shows that the Results show that there is a positive correlation between all the parameters of employees' performance i.e. skills of employees, their productivity and knowledge. Also social learning is rapidly gaining precedence as preferred learning practice in organizations. Gen Y prefers relationship building with peers and supervisors which can be achieved through social media-enabled interactive conversations which help in building supportive culture and improves their stay in organization.
机译:在当今激进的商业环境中,保持竞争优势所面临的挑战已成为大多数企业和政府领导人的头脑。互联网高管在招聘方面花费的时间比过去的经济时代要多得多,这已经成为一种普遍的惯例,他们更加担心一旦获胜后如何留住人才。自2000年4月投资资金泛滥以来,这种担忧的强度变得更大。电子经理现在痛苦地意识到,他们必须能够激发人们的到来,留下和做出巨大的贡献。本文的主要目的是探索社交网站的作用,例如脸书,链接。在有关员工绩效的方面,包括技能,生产力和员工知识以及社交媒体对Y代绩效的影响。本研究以125名专业人员为样本,试图回顾和分析社交网站的不断使用对员工的影响。绩效,即技能,知识,生产率及其对保留Y代的影响。研究结果表明,结果表明,员工绩效的所有参数(即员工的技能,他们的生产率和知识)之间都存在正相关。此外,社交学习作为组织中的首选学习实践正在迅速获得优先地位。 Y世代更喜欢与同事和主管建立关系,这可以通过社交媒体互动对话来实现,这有助于建立支持性文化并改善他们在组织中的停留时间。



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