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Despite SARS, China Market Nurtures Hong Kong Industry


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"The repercussion of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) is expected to linger on for a while, and exports will likely pick up more strongly only towards the last quarter." This was the forecast made by Hong Kong Trade Development Council's Chief Economist Edward Leung, who expects Hong Kong to post 3.3 percent growth in exports this year, down from an earlier forecast of 4 percent. Leung's forecast was partly based on a survey conducted in mid-May, where 314 exporters and manufacturers were interviewed on SARS' impact on their respective businesses. Some of the respondents were electronics exporters and manufacturers. The survey revealed that SARS kept many buyers staying away from Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region. Up to 84 percent of respon-. dents said they knew of potential buyers who called off their visits to Hong Kong because of the SARS outbreak. The disease also made Hong Kong businessmen unwelcome in overseas markets. Electronics companies fared slightly better because they were able to take part in two major exhibitions - the CES Show in Las Vegas and CeBIT Fair in Hanover - that were held before SARS hit Hong Kong.
机译:“严重急性呼吸综合症(SARS)的影响预计将持续一段时间,并且出口可能只会在最后一个季度才回升。”这是香港贸易发展局首席经济学家梁爱德(Edward Leung)所作的预测,他预计香港今年的出口将增长3.3%,低于此前的4%的预测。梁的预测部分基于5月中旬进行的一项调查,其中314名出口商和制造商接受了SARS对各自业务影响的采访。一些受访者是电子产品出口商和制造商。调查显示,严重急性呼吸系统综合症使很多买家远离香港和珠江三角洲地区。高达响应的84%。牙医说,他们知道潜在的买家因非典爆发而中断了对香港的访问。这种疾病也使香港商人不受欢迎。电子公司的表现稍好一些,因为它们能够参加在SARS登陆香港之前举行的两个主要展览-拉斯维加斯的CES Show和汉诺威的CeBIT Fair。



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