首页> 外文期刊>Artificial Intelligence and Law >A description logic framework for advanced accessing and reasoning over normative provisions

A description logic framework for advanced accessing and reasoning over normative provisions


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A model of normative provisions and related axioms represented by using RDF(S)/OWL are presented as a contribution to implement the semantic web in the legal domain. In particular, a pattern able to implement the Hohfeldian legal fundamental relations between provisions using OWL-DL expressivity is proposed. Moreover, a query-based approach able to deal with relations between provision instances is described. An example of advanced access and reasoning over provisions using the proposed approach, as well as a prototype architecture of a provision retrieval system, are shown. The main benefit is represented by the ability of the approach to keep the complexity of the problem within a description logic computational tractability.
机译:提出了使用RDF(S)/ OWL表示的规范条款和相关公理的模型,以在法律领域中实现语义网。特别地,提出了一种能够使用OWL-DL表现力来实现规定之间的霍菲尔德法律基本关系的模式。此外,描述了一种能够处理供应实例之间的关系的基于查询的方法。显示了使用所提出的方法进行高级访问和对条款进行推理的示例,以及条款检索系统的原型体系结构。该方法的能力将问题的复杂性保持在描述逻辑的计算可处理性之内,这是其主要优点。



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