首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Virology >Characterization of avian influenza viruses isolated from domestic ducks in Vietnam in 2009 and 2010

Characterization of avian influenza viruses isolated from domestic ducks in Vietnam in 2009 and 2010


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In the surveillance of avian influenza in Vietnam, 26 H9N2, 1 H3N2, 1 H3N8, 7 H4N6, 3 H11N3, and 1 H11N9 viruses were isolated from tracheal and cloacal swab samples of 300 domestic ducks in April 2009, and 1 H9N6 virus from 300 bird samples in March 2010. Out of the 27 H9 virus isolates, the hemagglutinins of 18 strains were genetically classified as belonging to the sublineage G1, and the other nine belonged to the Korean sublineage. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that one of the 27 H9 viruses was a reassortant in which the PB2 gene belonged to the Korean sublineage and the other seven genes belonged to the G1 sublineage. Three representative H9N2 viruses were intranasally inoculated into ducks, chickens, pigs, and mice. On the basis of experimental infection studies, it was found that each of the three viruses readily infected pigs and replicated in their upper respiratory tracts, and they infected chickens with slight replication. Viruses were recovered from the lungs of mice inoculated with two of the three isolates. The present results reveal that H9 avian influenza viruses are prevailing and genetic reassortment occurs among domestic ducks in Vietnam. It is recommended that careful surveillance of swine influenza with H9 viruses should be performed to prepare for pandemic influenza.
机译:在越南的禽流感监测中,2009年4月从300只家养鸭子的气管和泄殖腔拭子样本中分离出26 H9N2、1 H3N2、1 H3N8、7 H4N6、3 H11N3和1 H11N9病毒,并从300只家鸭中分离出1种H9N6病毒在2010年3月的禽类样本中。在27株H9病毒分离株中,有18个品系的血凝素基因分类为G1亚型,另外9株属于朝鲜族亚型。系统发育分析表明,这27种H9病毒中有一种是重配体,其中PB2基因属于韩国亚种,而其他七个基因则属于G1亚种。将三种代表性的H9N2病毒经鼻内接种到鸭,鸡,猪和小鼠中。在实验性感染研究的基础上,发现三种病毒中的每一种都容易感染猪并在其上呼吸道中复制,并且它们以很小的复制量感染了鸡。从用三种分离物中的两种分离的小鼠的肺中回收病毒。目前的结果表明,H9禽流感病毒盛行,越南家鸭之间发生了基因重组。建议对带有H9病毒的猪流感进行仔细的监测,以为大流行性流感做准备。



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