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Loneliness Among Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults: The Role of Minority Stress


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Past research has consistently found that aging lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) are more apt to suffer from loneliness than their heterosexual counterparts. Data from the 2002 Gay Autumn survey (N = 122) were used to find out whether minority stress relates to higher levels of loneliness among older LGB adults in the Netherlands. We examined five minority stress factors: external objective stressful events, expectations of those events, internalized homonegativity, hiding and concealment of one’s LGB identity, and ameliorating processes. The results showed that greater insight into loneliness among older LGB adults was obtained when minority stress factors were considered. Older LGB adults who had experienced negative reactions, as well as aging LGBs who expected those reactions, had the highest levels of loneliness. Having an LGB social network buffered against the impact of minority stress. These minority stress processes added to the variance already explained by general factors that influenced levels of loneliness (partner relationships, general social network, physical health, and self-esteem). Interventions aimed at decreasing feelings of loneliness among older LGBs should be focused on decreasing societal homonegativity (to decrease the amount of negative and prejudiced reactions) and on the enhancement of social activities for LGB elderly.
机译:过去的研究一致地发现,年长的女同性恋者,男同性恋者和双性恋者比异性恋者更容易遭受孤独感的困扰。 2002年同性恋秋季调查(N = 122)的数据用于找出少数族裔压力是否与荷兰LGB成年人中较高的孤独感有关。我们研究了五个少数群体压力因素:外部客观压力事件,对这些事件的期望,内部负性,对LGB身份的隐藏和隐藏以及改善过程。结果表明,当考虑到少数人的压力因素时,可以获得更大的LGB成年人孤独感的认识。经历过负面反应的老年LGB成年人以及预期有这些反应的衰老LGB的孤独感最高。拥有LGB社交网络可以缓解少数群体压力的影响。这些少数群体的压力过程增加了已经由影响孤独感水平的一般因素(伙伴关系,总体社交网络,身体健康和自尊心)解释的方差。旨在减少老年LGB者的孤独感的干预措施应集中于降低社会同性性(减少负面和偏见反应的数量)和增强LGB老人的社交活动。



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