首页> 外文期刊>Architectural Research Quarterly >Automated architecture: violence and nihilism as strategies of 'making' in the tactics of Coop Himmelb(Ⅰ)au

Automated architecture: violence and nihilism as strategies of 'making' in the tactics of Coop Himmelb(Ⅰ)au

机译:自动化的建筑:暴力和虚无主义作为Coop Himmelb(Ⅰ)au策略中的“制造”策略

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The avant-garde architectural culture of the 1980s was dominated by the movement imperfectly described as Deconstruction and celebrated in the 1988 MoMA exhibition Deconstructivist Architects. Drawing on the work of the French thinker Jacques Derrida, the aim of the architects collected in the exhibition was to destabilise architecture by dismantling accepted notions of space, structure and form. Of the architects who have pursued this mode of enquiry, the Austrian partnership of Coop Himmelb(1)au represent one of the most pervasive models of interrogating space by reducing its conceptualisation to a single moment, captured in sketches and models and then, finally, in architecture. Outside architecture, artists like Gordon Matta-Clark, composers like John Cage and, more esoterically, the evolution of Industrial Punk music, all marked the emergence of this dissatisfaction with architecture and the political systems it symbolically represented. While Deconstruction became the term under which these nihilistic tendencies of 'making' were grouped, many had their genesis much earlier in the revolutionary critical practices of the 1960s in art, music and philosophy.
机译:1980年代的前卫建筑文化被不完整描述为解构主义的运动所支配,并在1988年MoMA展览《解构主义建筑师》中得以庆祝。借鉴法国思想家雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)的作品,展览中收集的建筑师的目的是通过拆除公认的空间,结构和形式概念来破坏建筑的稳定性。在追求这种探究模式的建筑师中,Coop Himmelb(1)au与奥地利的合作伙伴关系是将空间的概念化简化为一个瞬间,并被草图和模型捕获,从而代表了最普遍的审问空间模型之一。在建筑中。在建筑之外,像戈登·马塔·克拉克(Gordon Matta-Clark)这样的艺术家,约翰·凯奇(John Cage)这样的作曲家,以及更深奥的工业朋克音乐的发展,都标志着对建筑及其象征性代表的政治体系的不满的出现。尽管解构主义是将这些“虚无”的发展趋势归为一类的术语,但许多起源于1960年代艺术,音乐和哲学的革命性批判实践。



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