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Tenting on Terra Nullius: The Work of Glen Murcutt

机译:在Terra Nullius上搭建帐篷:Glenn Murcutt的作品

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In his awe before the immensity and fragility of the Australian landscape, Glen Murcutt throws the entirety of its European development into question. Any penmanent mark is a potential scar, any building site an eventual brownfield. He is fond of quoting Thoreau's passage on how man is a prisoner of his house, and of carefully describing the ventilation patterns allowed by the movable layers of bark cladding an Aboriginal hut. Yet, he insists, 'I am not rejecting urbanisation, far from it. I am not seeking a kind of utopia in the bush. I am involved with and recognise the importance of a varied milieu. I am opposed to the total taming of this land, my country, and the loss of the wilderness of the native scene.' Amy Lelyveld describes Murcutt's search in European colonial thought and Aboriginal traditions for what he calls an architecture of 'refuge and prospect'.
机译:格伦·默卡特(Glen Murcutt)惊叹于澳大利亚风光的浩瀚和脆弱,对整个欧洲的发展提出了质疑。任何永久性标记都是潜在的伤痕,任何建筑工地最终都是棕地。他喜欢引用梭罗关于人类如何成为其房屋囚犯的文章,并认真描述了原住民小屋中可移动的树皮覆盖层所允许的通风方式。但是,他坚持说:“我并不是拒绝城市化,离城市化还很远。我不是在丛林中寻求乌托邦。我参与并认识到各种环境的重要性。我反对对这片土地,我们的国家的全面驯服,以及原住民地荒野的丧失。”艾米·莱利维尔德(Amy Lelyveld)描述了默卡特(Murcutt)在欧洲殖民思想和原住民传统中的搜寻,他称之为“避难所和前景”的建筑。



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