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Carbon Sources Supporting Fish Growth In A North Temperate Lake


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Lake consumers are supported by autochthonous organic matter produced by photosynthesis within the aquatic ecosystem and imported allochth-onous material produced outside the ecosystem. To evaluate carbon sources that support fish growth, we enriched a 26 ha lake with inorganic ~(13)C. This labeled the autochthonous primary production and allowed us to determine the extent to which invertebrates in fish diets were supported by this autochthonous carbon. Fish autochthony was defined as the proportion ranging from 0 to 1 of fish growth derived from aquatic primary production. This proportion was calculated using the weighted average of each diet taxa's contribution to fish growth along with the autochthony of diet taxa estimated with dynamic models of δ~(13)C time series. Age 0 bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) had the highest autochthony (0.56, 0.57, respectively) because of greater use of zooplankton that were highly dependent on phytoplankton. Older fishes (age 1 and above) of all species had similar estimates of autochthony (mean = 0.47 standard deviation = 0.04) derived from feeding on either benthic invertebrates or other fishes. Proportional contribution of terrestrial prey (primarily terrestrial beetles) to fish growth was highest for bluegill (0.07-0.22) and substantially lower (<0.04) for largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and yellow perch. Across species and ages~45 % of fish growth could not be attributed to terrestrial prey items or current autochthonous primary production. This residual detrital carbon source is a mixture of allochthonous material and autochthonous material derived from primary production prior to the ~(13)C addition. Fish growth and production in the study lake were not tightly coupled to the current season's primary production. Nearly half of the organic carbon supporting fish growth came from prior autochthonous primary production or allochthonous sources.
机译:湖泊消费者受到水生生态系统内光合作用产生的自生有机物和生态系统外产生的进口异源物质的支持。为了评估支持鱼类生长的碳源,我们用无机〜(13)C富集了一个26公顷的湖泊。这标记了自生碳的初级生产,使我们能够确定该自生碳对鱼类日粮中无脊椎动物的支持程度。鱼类自养定义为从水生初级产品中获取的鱼类生长比例从0到1。使用每个饮食类群对鱼类生长的贡献的加权平均值,以及通过δ〜(13)C时间序列动态模型估算的饮食类群的自律性,来计算该比例。 0岁的zoo(Lepomis macrochirus)和黄鲈(Perca flavescens)的自交系含量最高(分别为0.56、0.57),这是因为对浮游植物的依赖程度较高,而浮游动物的使用高度依赖浮游植物。所有种类的较老鱼类(1岁及以上)对自生底栖无脊椎动物或其他鱼类的摄食均具有相似的自噬估计值(平均值= 0.47标准偏​​差= 0.04)。蓝blue(0.07-0.22)的陆地猎物(主要是陆地甲虫)对鱼类生长的比例贡献最大,大嘴鲈(鲈鱼)和黄色鲈鱼则明显更低(<0.04)。跨物种和年龄的鱼类生长的45%不能归因于陆地猎物或当前的土生初级产品。这种残留的碎屑碳源是在〜(13)C添加之前从一次生产中衍生的异源物质和自生物质的混合物。研究湖的鱼类生长和产量与当前季节的初级产量没有紧密联系。支持鱼类生长的有机碳几乎有一半来自先前的土生初级产品或异源。



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