首页> 外文期刊>Applied Surface Science >The current fluctuations and accumulated pitting damage of mild steel in NaNO2-NaCl solution

The current fluctuations and accumulated pitting damage of mild steel in NaNO2-NaCl solution


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Metastable pitting behavior of mild steel in 0.1 M NaNO2 + 0.05 M NaCl solution at constant potentials was studied. The current fluctuations showed the feature of quick rise and relatively slow decay, indicating quick breakdown and slow repassivation of the passive film on the surface. The current fluctuations resulted in observable pits on sample surface. A bigger pit may be composed of several small pits, which suggests that a repassivated metastable pit may still be active site for following metastable pits to nucleate. Repeated local dissolution events around a certain active site caused accumulated corrosion damage. The pit size distribution calculated from the current fluctuations was very close to that observed with SEM, indicating that there is good correlation between current fluctuations and the growth process of metastable pits. Corrosion products may pile up at pit mouth and lead the pit to an occluded state, thus metastable pitting process was replaced by stable pitting. Once the pit mouth was completely blocked up by corrosion products, the pit would stop growing' (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:研究了在恒定电势下,低碳钢在0.1 M NaNO2 + 0.05 M NaCl溶液中的亚稳态点蚀行为。电流波动表现出快速上升和相对缓慢的衰减的特征,表明表面上的钝化膜快速击穿和缓慢重新钝化。电流波动导致样品表面出现可观察到的凹坑。一个较大的凹坑可能由几个小凹坑组成,这表明重新钝化的亚稳凹坑可能仍然是随后的亚稳凹坑成核的活动部位。在某个活性部位周围反复发生局部溶解事件,导致累积腐蚀损坏。根据电流波动计算出的坑尺寸分布非常接近于用SEM观察到的值,表明电流波动与亚稳孔的生长过程之间具有良好的相关性。腐蚀产物可能会在坑口堆积并导致坑进入闭塞状态,因此亚稳的点蚀过程被稳定的点蚀所取代。一旦坑口被腐蚀产物完全堵塞,坑就会停止生长。(c)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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