首页> 外文期刊>Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback >Feasibility and Efficacy of the Addition of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to a Remote Digital Health Intervention for Depression

Feasibility and Efficacy of the Addition of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to a Remote Digital Health Intervention for Depression


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A rise in the prevalence of depression underscores the need for accessible and effective interventions. The objectives of this study were to determine if the addition of a treatment component showing promise in treating depression, heart rate variability-biofeedback (HRV-B), to our original smartphone-based, 8-week digital intervention was feasible and whether patients in the HRV-B ("enhanced") intervention were more likely to experience clinically significant improvements in depressive symptoms than patients in our original ("standard") intervention. We used a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent (matched) groups design to compare changes in symptoms of depression in the enhanced group (n = 48) to historical outcome data from the standard group (n = 48). Patients in the enhanced group completed a total average of 3.86 h of HRV-B practice across 25.8 sessions, and were more likely to report a clinically significant improvement in depressive symptom score post-intervention than participants in the standard group, even after adjusting for differences in demographics and engagement between groups (adjusted OR 3.44, 95% CI [1.28-9.26], P = .015). Our findings suggest that adding HRV-B to an app-based, smartphone-delivered, remote intervention for depression is feasible and may enhance treatment outcomes.
机译:抑郁症患病率的增加强调了对可访问和有效的干预措施的需求。本研究的目的是确定添加治疗组分的治疗组分是否显示治疗抑郁症,心率变化 - 生物反馈(HRV-B),以我们原始的智能手机为基于8周的数字干预是可行的,是否患者HRV-B(“增强”)干预更可能在抑郁症状的临床上显着改善而不是我们原始的患者(“标准”)干预。我们使用了准实验性,非等效(匹配)组设计,以比较增强组(n = 48)的抑郁症状的变化,从标准组(n = 48)中的历史结果数据进行比较。增强群体的患者在25.8个会议上完成了3.86小时的3.86小时,并且更有可能在干预后抑郁症状评分的临床显着改善,而不是标准组的参与者,即使在调整差异后也是如此在人口统计数据和群体之间的参与(调整或3.44,95%CI [1.28-9.26],P = .015)。我们的研究结果表明,将HRV-B添加到基于应用的智能手机交付的远程干预的抑郁症是可行的,并且可以增强治疗结果。



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