首页> 外文期刊>Applied Physics Letters >Spatial distribution of the red luminescence in pristine, γ rays and ultraviolet-irradiated multimode optical fibers

Spatial distribution of the red luminescence in pristine, γ rays and ultraviolet-irradiated multimode optical fibers


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In this letter, a confocal microscopy setup was used to evaluate, with a resolution of 2 μm, the nonuniform spatial distributions of the red photoluminescence (640-750 nm) in pristine, γ rays (~1 MeV, 1.2 kGy, and 0.33 Gy/s) and ultraviolet (244 nm and 127 J/cm~(2)) irradiated multimode optical fibers. In pristine samples, the Raman scattering is predominant and the emitting centers are only present at low concentration in the fiber cladding. However, these centers are generated by both irradiations in the whole fiber cross sections, in particular near the core-cladding interface. The spectral deconvolution of the luminescence spectra showed that the Non-Bridging Oxygen Hole Centers are mainly responsible for this red luminescence. For both irradiation types, these centers seem to be predominantly created from precursor sites: strained Si-O-Si bonds which could be induced during the fiber drawing process.
机译:在这封信中,使用共聚焦显微镜设置以2μm的分辨率评估了原始光,γ射线(〜1 MeV,1.2 kGy和0.33 Gy)中红色光致发光(640-750 nm)的不均匀空间分布/ s)和紫外线(244 nm和127 J / cm〜(2))辐照的多模光纤。在原始样品中,拉曼散射占主导,并且发射中心仅以低浓度存在于光纤包层中。但是,这些中心是由整个纤维横截面中的两次辐照产生的,特别是在芯-包层界面附近。发光光谱的光谱去卷积表明,非桥接氧孔中心主要负责这种红色发光。对于两种照射类型,这些中心似乎主要是由前体位点产生的:应变的Si-O-Si键可能在光纤拉伸过程中引起。



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