首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology >Carbon-limited fed-batch production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates from nonanoic acid by Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Carbon-limited fed-batch production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates from nonanoic acid by Pseudomonas putida KT2440


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Pseudomonas putida KT2440 grew on glucose at a specific rate of 0.48 h?1 but accumulated almost no poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Subsequent nitrogen limitation on nonanoic acid resulted in the accumulation of only 27% medium-chain-length PHA (MCL-PHA). In contrast, exponential nonanoic acid-limited growth (μ = 0.15 h?1) produced 70 g l?1 biomass containing 75% PHA. At a higher exponential feed rate (μ = 0.25 h?1), the overall productivity was increased but less biomass (56 g l?1) was produced due to higher oxygen demand, and the biomass contained less PHA (67%). It was concluded that carbon-limited exponential feeding of nonanoic acid or related substrates to cultures of P. putida KT2440 is a simple and highly effective method of producing MCL-PHA. Nitrogen limitation is unnecessary.
机译:恶臭假单胞菌KT2440在葡萄糖上以0.48 h?1 的特定速率生长,但几乎没有聚3-羟基链烷酸酯(PHA)积累。随后对壬酸的氮限制导致仅27%中链长度PHA(MCL-PHA)积累。相比之下,非壬酸指数增长(μ= 0.15 h?1 )产生70 g l?1 生物质,其中含有75%的PHA。在较高的指数进料速率下(μ= 0.25 h?1 ),总产量增加,但由于需氧量增加,产生的生物量较少(56 gl?1 ),并且生物质含量较低PHA(67%)。结论是,将壬酸或相关底物的碳限制指数供给到恶臭假单胞菌KT2440的培养物中是生产MCL-PHA的简单且高效的方法。氮限制是不必要的。



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