首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mathematical Modelling >Numerical modeling of crystal growth under strong magnetic fields: An application to the travelling heater method

Numerical modeling of crystal growth under strong magnetic fields: An application to the travelling heater method


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The article presents a 3-D numerical simulation study for the growth of single crystal semiconductors under strong magnetic fields. In such high fields, the magnetic body force components, which also depend on the flow velocity components present numerical challenges particularly in terms of convergence of iterations. To remedy such difficulties, a novel numerical approach was introduced in an in-house 3-D finite volume-based computer code. As an application, the Travelling Heater Method (THM) was selected for the growth of CdTe crystals under a static vertical magnetic field. The governing equations of the model, which also include the electric charge balance equation in terms of the induced electric potential and the applied magnetic field intensity, are solved numerically. Evolution of the growth interface is simulated with the help of a moving grid algorithm in a block-structured finite-volume code. The convergence rate of iterations is significantly improved by treating a part of the magnetic body force terms implicitly in the iteration loop. Consequently, the magnetic field as high as 15.0 kG did not lead to any convergence problems. Simulation results are presented for the flow, concentration, temperature, and electric potential fields in the liquid solution. Results show that, in spite of the initially assumed-axisymmetric boundary conditions, three-dimensional transport structures develop as soon as the growth process begins. Application of the magnetic field suppresses convection in the solution, and the magnitude of the maximum flow velocity decreases monotonically with the increasing magnetic field intensity.
机译:本文提出了在强磁场下生长单晶半导体的3-D数值模拟研究。在如此高的磁场中,磁场力分量(也取决于流速分量)尤其在迭代收敛方面提出了数值挑战。为了解决这些困难,在内部基于3D有限体积的计算机代码中引入了一种新颖的数值方法。作为一种应用,选择了行进加热器法(THM)在静态垂直磁场下生长CdTe晶体。通过数值求解模型的控制方程,该方程还包括根据感应电势和施加的磁场强度的电荷平衡方程。生长块的演化是借助移动网格算法在块结构有限体积代码中进行模拟的。通过隐式地处理迭代循环中的一部分磁性力项,可以显着提高迭代的收敛速度。因此,高达15.0 kG的磁场不会导致任何会聚问题。给出了液体溶液中流动,浓度,温度和电势场的仿真结果。结果表明,尽管最初假设为轴对称边界条件,但在生长过程开始后,三维运输结构便开始发展。磁场的施加抑制了溶液中的对流,并且最大流速的大小随磁场强度的增加而单调减小。



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