首页> 外文期刊>Applied Mathematical Modelling >A multiphase lattice Boltzmann method for simulating immiscible liquid-liquid interface dynamics

A multiphase lattice Boltzmann method for simulating immiscible liquid-liquid interface dynamics


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The simulation of immiscible liquid-liquid interface dynamics using the lattice Boltzmann method is studied in this work. The capabilities of the proposed model are investigated and validated with the inclusion of an external forcing term, e.g. the force of gravity. Fundamental tests are performed to further validate the performance of the method for computing multiphase flows. Four theoretical test cases are studied: (1) two-phase Poiseuille flow with variable density and viscosity ratios; (2) two-phase flow subject to hydrostatic pressure; (3) two-dimensional bubble dynamics; and (4) capillary-gravity wave. The four test cases provide clear quantitative results. In particular, the results of the proposed formulation for the test case with two-dimensional bubble dynamics are compared with the results of three different finite element methods. We found that the proposed lattice Boltzmann method is consistent with these standard approaches, and that the relative standard deviation between all codes is less than 1% for several flow quantities. Most of the test cases in this study use real liquid properties for the dimensionless density and viscosity ratios. In this context, the real immiscible liquids are mercury, water, and hexane. In addition, a final application test case is studied, where a hexane bubble under gravity is initially trapped inside a structured pore that is completely water-wet. A methodology using the bisection method to find the critical Bond number for which the transition from a trapped to a non-trapped bubble occurs is proposed.
机译:在这项工作中,研究了使用晶格玻尔兹曼方法模拟不溶混的液-液界面动力学。对所提出模型的功能进行了调查和验证,其中包括一个外部强迫项,例如重力。进行基本测试以进一步验证用于计算多相流的方法的性能。研究了四个理论测试案例:(1)具有可变密度和粘度比的两相Poiseuille流; (2)承受静水压力的两相流; (3)二维气泡动力学; (4)毛细管重力波。这四个测试用例提供了清晰的定量结果。尤其是,将针对二维气泡动力学的测试案例的拟议公式的结果与三种不同有限元方法的结果进行了比较。我们发现,提出的格子玻尔兹曼方法与这些标准方法是一致的,并且对于多个流量,所有代码之间的相对标准偏差均小于1%。这项研究中的大多数测试案例都使用真实的液体特性来实现无量纲的密度和粘度比。在这种情况下,真正的不溶混液体是汞,水和己烷。此外,还研究了最终应用测试案例,该案例中,在重力作用下,正己烷气泡最初被捕获在完全被水润湿的结构化孔中。提出了一种使用二分法找到临界键数的方法,对于该键,发生了从捕获的气泡到未捕获的气泡的转变。



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