首页> 外文期刊>Applied Intelligence >A fast prototype reduction method based on template reduction and visualization-induced self-organizing map for nearest neighbor algorithm

A fast prototype reduction method based on template reduction and visualization-induced self-organizing map for nearest neighbor algorithm


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The k nearest neighbor is a lazy learning algorithm that is inefficient in the classification phase because it needs to compare the query sample with all training samples. A template reduction method is recently proposed that uses only samples near the decision boundary for classification and removes those far from the decision boundary. However, when class distributions overlap, more border samples are retrained and it leads to inefficient performance in the classification phase. Because the number of reduced samples are limited, using an appropriate feature reduction method seems a logical choice to improve classification time. This paper proposes a new prototype reduction method for the k nearest neighbor algorithm, and it is based on template reduction and ViSOM. The potential property of ViSOM is displaying the topology of data on a two-dimensional feature map, it provides an intuitive way for users to observe and analyze data. An efficient classification framework is then presented, which combines the feature reduction method and the prototype selection algorithm. It needs a very small data size for classification while keeping recognition rate. In the experiments, both of synthetic and real datasets are used to evaluate the performance. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method obtains above 70 % speedup ratio and 90 % compression ratio while maintaining similar performance to kNN.
机译:最近的k个邻居是一种惰性学习算法,在分类阶段效率不高,因为它需要将查询样本与所有训练样本进行比较。最近提出了一种模板简化方法,该方法仅使用决策边界附近的样本进行分类,并去除决策边界附近的样本。但是,当类别分布重叠时,会训练更多的边界样本,从而导致分类阶段的效率低下。由于缩减样本的数量有限,因此使用适当的特征缩减方法似乎是改善分类时间的合理选择。本文提出了一种基于模板约简和ViSOM的k近邻算法的原型约简新方法。 ViSOM的潜在属性是在二维特征图上显示数据的拓扑,它为用户提供了一种直观的方式来观察和分析数据。然后提出了一种有效的分类框架,该框架结合了特征约简方法和原型选择算法。在保持识别率的同时,需要非常小的数据大小进行分类。在实验中,合成数据集和真实数据集均用于评估性能。实验结果表明,该方法在保持与kNN相似的性能的同时,获得了70%以上的加速比和90%的压缩比。



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