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Energy Prices, Multiple Structural Breaks, And Efficient Market Hypothesis


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This paper investigates the efficient market hypothesis using total energy price and four kinds of various disaggregated energy prices - coal, oil, gas, and electricity - for OECD countries over the period 1978-2006. We employ a highly flexible panel data stationarity test of Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. [Carrion-i-Sil-vestre JL, Del Barrio-Castro T, Lopez-Bazo E. Breaking the panels: an application to GDP per capita. J Econometrics 2005;8:159-75], which incorporates multiple shifts in level and slope, thereby controlling for cross-sectional dependence through bootstrap methods. Overwhelming evidence in favor of the broken stationarity hypothesis is found, implying that energy prices are not characterized by an efficient market. Thus, it shows the presence of profitable arbitrage opportunities among energy prices. The estimated breaks are meaningful and coincide with the most critical events which affected the energy prices.
机译:本文使用1978-2006年间OECD国家的总能源价格和四种不同的分类能源价格(煤炭,石油,天然气和电力)来研究有效市场假说。我们采用了Carrion-i-Silvestre等人的高度灵活的面板数据平稳性测试。 [Carrion-i-Sil-vestre JL,Del Barrio-Castro T,Lopez-BazoE。打破面板:对人均GDP的一种应用。 J Econometrics 2005; 8:159-75],其中合并了水平和斜率的多个偏移,从而通过自举法控制横截面依赖性。发现了压倒平稳假设的压倒性证据,这表明能源价格没有有效市场的特征。因此,它表明能源价格之间存在套利机会。估计的休息时间很有意义,并且与影响能源价格的最关键事件一致。



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