首页> 外文期刊>Applied Energy >Analysing the drivers of the intensity of electricity consumption of non- residential sectors in Europe

Analysing the drivers of the intensity of electricity consumption of non- residential sectors in Europe


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The electricity consumption of non-residential productive sectors represents a significant share of the overall energy consumption in the Member States of the European Union. Therefore, determining the main factors affecting the intensity of such consumption (defined as the ratio of the electricity consumed by the productive system of a given country to gross value added) is a research effort worth undertaking. The aim of this paper is to identify the main factors which affect such intensity with the help of a static panel data model, which is estimated with three different methods. Our results show that a higher degree of technological progress in the production systems and higher retail prices of electricity for non-residential consumers reduce such intensity. Other variables, which are statistically significant, lead to an increase of electricity intensity, including the accumulated stock of physical capital and the lagged gross fixed capital formation. The accumulated capital stock per unit of GDP is the variable with the highest influence on electricity intensity. Whereas the influence of price changes is limited, these results indicate that there is some rigidity to change energy intensity through demand-side policy measures, suggesting that they will need to be complemented with supply-side measures aimed at increasing low-carbon electricity generation capacity.
机译:非住宅生产部门的电力消耗在欧盟成员国中占总能源消耗的很大一部分。因此,确定影响这种消耗强度的主要因素(定义为给定国家的生产系统消耗的电力与总增加值之比)是值得进行的研究工作。本文的目的是借助静态面板数据模型来确定影响这种强度的主要因素,该模型通过三种不同的方法进行估算。我们的结果表明,生产系统中更高的技术进步水平以及非居民用户较高的电价会降低这种强度。其他具有统计意义的变量也会导致电力强度增加,包括有形资本的累积存量和固定资本形成总额的滞后。每单位GDP的累计资本存量是对电力强度影响最大的变量。尽管价格变化的影响是有限的,但这些结果表明,通过需求侧政策措施来改变能源强度存在一定的刚性,这表明它们将需要与旨在提高低碳发电能力的供应侧措施相辅相成。 。



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