首页> 外文期刊>Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society journal >An Efficient Method to Study Shielding Effectiveness of Rectangular Enclosure with Wire Penetration

An Efficient Method to Study Shielding Effectiveness of Rectangular Enclosure with Wire Penetration


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This paper presents a reliable and efficient analytical model to calculate the shielding effectiveness (SE) of a rectangular enclosure with wire penetration under plane wave illumination over frequency range of 0 to 2.5GHz. The wire is equivalent to monopole antenna, and the four-element lumped-parameter equivalent circuit for monopole antenna is established to represent the coupling process between electric field and the wire. Based on dynamic Green function, the approximate solution of the electric field distribution in the enclosure excited by the internal wire is derived, and Bethe's theory is used to calculate the approximate solution of the electric field distribution in the enclosure excited by the aperture when the aperture size is not negligible. Several cases are presented to verify the validity of the model. The effects of the length of the wire inside and outside the enclosure, wire penetration and observation point position as well as incident direction of plane wave on the SE are discussed in detail. Simulation result of the proposed model are in good agreement with that of the transmission line matrix (TLM) method.



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