首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis >Shift-invariant and sampling spaces associated with the special affine Fourier transform

Shift-invariant and sampling spaces associated with the special affine Fourier transform


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The Special Affine Fourier Transformation or the SAFT generalizes a number of well known unitary transformations as well as signal processing and optics related mathematical operations. Shift-invariant spaces also play an important role in sampling theory, multiresolution analysis, and many other areas of signal and image processing. Shannon's sampling theorem, which is at the heart of modern digital communications, is a special case of sampling in shift-invariant spaces. Furthermore, it is well known that the Poisson summation formula is equivalent to the sampling theorem and that the Zak transform is closely connected to the sampling theorem and the Poisson summation formula. These results have been known to hold in the Fourier transform domain for decades and were recently shown to hold in the Fractional Fourier transform domain by A. Bhandari and A. Zayed.The main goal of this article is to show that these results also hold true in the SAFT domain. We provide a short, self-contained proof of Shannon's theorem for functions bandlimited in the SAFT domain and then show that sampling in the SAFT domain is equivalent to orthogonal projection of functions onto a subspace of bandlimited basis associated with the SAFT domain. This interpretation of sampling leads to least-squares optimal sampling theorem. Furthermore, we show that this approximation procedure is linked with convolution and semi-discrete convolution operators that are associated with the SAFT domain. We conclude the article with an application of fractional delay filtering of SAFT bandlimited functions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:特殊仿射傅立叶变换或SAFT概括了许多众所周知的unit变换以及信号处理和光学相关的数学运算。不变位移空间在采样理论,多分辨率分析以及信号和图像处理的许多其他领域中也起着重要作用。香农的采样定理是现代数字通信的核心,它是在不变移空间采样的特例。此外,众所周知,泊松求和公式等效于采样定理,并且扎克变换与采样定理和泊松求和公式紧密相关。已知这些结果在傅立叶变换域中已有数十年之久,最近由A. Bhandari和A. Zayed证明在分数阶傅立叶变换域中有本文。本文的主要目的是证明这些结果也成立在SAFT域中。我们提供了针对SAFT域中带宽受限的函数的Shannon定理的简短的独立证明,然后证明了SAFT域中的采样等效于函数在与SAFT域相关联的带宽受限的子空间上的正交投影。采样的这种解释导致了最小二乘最优采样定理。此外,我们证明了该近似过程与与SAFT域相关联的卷积和半离散卷积算子相关。我们以分数延迟滤波SAFT带限函数的应用结束本文。 (C)2017 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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