首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences >Bartonella bacilliformis GroEL: Effect on Growth of Human Vascular Endothelial Cells in Infected Cocultures

Bartonella bacilliformis GroEL: Effect on Growth of Human Vascular Endothelial Cells in Infected Cocultures


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Bartonella are the only bacteria known to induce angioproliferative lesions of the human vasculature and liver during infection. Previous work from our lab suggests that GroEL participates in the mitogenic response observed in HUVEC cultures supplemented with the soluble fraction of Bartonella bacilliformis. Work in this study shows that exposure to high concentrations of the fraction is actually cytbtoxic for HUVECs. To analyze this phenomenon, live B. bacilliformis-HUVEC cocultures were employed to study the effect of excess bacterial GroEL on the host cell during active infection. Four B. bacilliformis strains were generated to produce varying levels of GroEL. HUVEC cocultures with LSS100, a strain that synthesizes markedly greater quantities of GroEL relative to others, significantly accelerates apoptosis of the cocultured HUVECs relative to other strains. Acceleration of apoptosis can be inhibited by Z-VAD-FMK, a pan-caspase inhibitor. Time course data show that, at 18 h of infection, both LSS100 and control strains significantly inhibit spontaneous apoptosis of cocultured HUVECs, as previously reported for other Bartonella species. However, by 48 h, LSS100 significantly increases apoptosis of the host cell. We hypothesize that intracellular Bartonella GroEL functions as an Hsp60 analogue, a eukaryotic orthologue known to accelerate pro-caspase 3 activation by enhancing its vulnerability to upstream activator caspases. These data suggest another strategy whereby Bartonella may regulate host cell growth.
机译:巴尔通体是已知的唯一在感染过程中诱导人血管和肝脏血管增生性病变的细菌。我们实验室的先前工作表明,GroEL参与了HUVEC培养物中观察到的有丝分裂反应,该培养物中补充了细菌性巴尔通体的可溶部分。这项研究的工作表明,暴露于高浓度的级分实际上对HUVEC具有细胞毒性。为了分析这种现象,使用活的芽孢杆菌-HUVEC共培养物研究活跃感染过程中过量细菌GroEL对宿主细胞的影响。产生了四种芽孢杆菌菌株以产生不同水平的GroEL。 HUVEC与LSS100的共培养相对于其他菌株而言,LSS100是一种合成的GroEL数量明显多于其他菌株的菌株,可显着加速共培养的HUVEC的凋亡。泛半胱天冬酶抑制剂Z-VAD-FMK可以抑制细胞凋亡的加速。时程数据显示,在感染的18小时内,LSS100和对照菌株均显着抑制共培养的HUVEC的自发凋亡,如先前其他巴尔通体物种报道的那样。然而,到48小时,LSS100显着增加了宿主细胞的凋亡。我们假设细胞内Bartonella GroEL作为Hsp60类似物,是一种真核直向同源物,已知通过增强其对上游激活胱天蛋白酶的脆弱性来加速caspase 3的激活。这些数据表明Bartonella可以调节宿主细胞生长的另一种策略。



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