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Organoleptic qualities and acceptability of fortified rice in two Southeast Asian countries


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Fortified rice has the potential to improve the micronutrients status of vulnerable populations. However, fortified rice has to have acceptable organoleptic-the sensory properties of a particular food-qualities. Few data exist on the acceptability of fortified rice in Asia. To assess the acceptability of two types of fortified rice (cold and hot extruded) in Vietnam and Cambodia, triangle tests were conducted in Vietnam (53 women) and Cambodia (258 adults), testing fortified rice against conventional rice, with participants being asked to score the organoleptic qualities. In addition, Cambodian schoolchildren (n = 1700) were given conventional rice and two types of fortified rice for two week periods as part of a World Food Program school meal program, with intake monitored. Fortified rice differed significantly in organoleptic qualities from conventional rice, with most subjects correctly identifying fortified rice (P < 0.001). However, fortified rice was found to be highly acceptable in both countries. In Cambodia, schoolchildren consuming fortified rice had higher intakes than when consuming conventional rice (176 g/child/day and 168 g/child/day, respectively; P < 0.05). This study shows that fortified rice is acceptable in two countries in Southeast Asia. However, specific information is needed to explain the organoleptic qualities of fortified rice as perceived by end-users.
机译:强化稻米有可能改善弱势群体的微量营养素状况。但是,强化大米必须具有可以接受的感官感觉,即特定食品质量的感官特性。关于亚洲强化米的可接受性的数据很少。为了评估越南和柬埔寨两种类型的强化大米(冷挤压和热挤压)的可接受性,分别在越南(53名女性)和柬埔寨(258名成人)中进行了三角测试,对强化大米与常规大米进行了测试,要求参与者评分感官品质。此外,作为世界粮食计划署学校就餐计划的一部分,柬埔寨学童(n = 1700)在两周内接受了常规大米和两种强化米的摄入,并监测了摄入量。强化大米的感官品质与传统大米有显着差异,大多数受试者正确识别了强化大米(P <0.001)。但是,发现强化米在两个国家都可以接受。在柬埔寨,食用强化大米的小学生的摄入量高于传统大米(分别为176克/儿童/天和168克/儿童/天; P <0.05)。这项研究表明,强化稻米在东南亚的两个国家都可以接受。但是,需要特殊的信息来解释最终用户所感知的强化大米的感官品质。



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